Page 59 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 59


            The intrauterine insemination      2001 by Dr Marion Wilson          be a feasible option for
            technique that is mostly           in New Zealand. It has            some bitches, typically for
            recommended when using             the advantages of being           behavioural reasons. There
            frozen-thawed semen or             anaesthetic and sedation-         have been some developments
            low numbers of potentially         free, non-surgical, and           with the canine transcervical
            compromised fresh or chilled       relatively stress-free. It also   insemination endoscope. A
            semen is transcervical             has the distinct advantage,       new, longer, and slimmer
            insemination, where semen          in comparison to surgical         scope is specifically designed
            is deposited directly into         artificial insemination, that     for transcervical insemination
            the uterus to maximize the         more than one insemination        in dogs. This facilitates
            chance of pregnancy. This          can be carried out during the     transcervical insemination in
            internationally recognised         bitch’s heat. Transcervical       large and giant breeds, as well
            technique was developed in         insemination may not              as maiden bitches.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  59
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