Page 60 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 60


          When using fresh or chilled       which functions to help flush     and reaching the fallopian
          semen with adequate sperm         the semen into the uterus in      tubes (oviduct), the site of
          numbers and sperm quality,        the same way prostatic fluid      fertilization. This obviously
          deposition of semen into the      does during natural mating.       results in a lower pregnancy
          very end of the vagina can        This is a technique that can      rate and litter size.
          result in pregnancy and litter    be used in all bitches, is non-
          sizes equivalent to natural       invasive, requires less skill     Last technique is surgical
          mating. There are many            and equipment than intra-         insemination. This technique
          different types of catheters      uterine artificial insemination   involves a general anesthetic
          that can be used for vaginal      techniques, and therefore is      and surgery with associated
          artificial insemination. Most     also more economical. It is       risks. An incision is made
          vets insert a special artificial   often used in maiden bitches     into the abdomen, the
          insemination catheter into        and studs that fail to “tie”      uterus is then identified and
          the very end of the vagina. At    or mate, which can be due         exteriorized. The semen is
          this point, a bulb at the end     to several reasons. Vaginal       then injected directly into the
          of the catheter is inflated to    artificial insemination is not the   uterine horns. It can only be
          mimic the swelling of the dog’s   preferred method for use of              carried out once during
          bulbous glandis during mating.    frozen-thawed semen.                          the bitch’s heat.
                                                                                            Further, surgical
                                                                                                does not
                                                                                                 rates or
                                                                                                 litter sizes.

                                                                                               Every clinic
                                                                                              usually has
                                                                                            own study or
                                                                                         success rate of
                                                                                   insemination. Natural
                                                                              breeding in fertile dogs bred
                                                                              once between 4 days before to
                                                                              3 days after ovulation resulted
                                                                              in 95% conception rates in
                                                                              one study*. In other studies**,
          This not only prevents            As well as the greatly reduced    conception rates for vaginal
          back flow of semen, but           lifespan mentioned previously,    insemination of fresh semen
          stretches the vaginal wall        frozen semen breeding             yielded between 60% and
          resulting in oxytocin release     units contain significantly       95% pregnancy rates. Chilled
          and stimulation of vaginal        lower numbers (i.e. 100           semen success rates when
          and uterine smooth muscle         million motile sperm per “AI      compared to fresh semen are
          contractions, facilitating        dose”) than a fresh or chilled    seen to be very similar; with
          transport of the sperm into       insemination dose. Therefore,     94% and 95% pregnancy rates
          the uterus. After the bulb is     deposition of low numbers         in the study*.
          inflated, fresh semen is slowly   of fragile frozen-thawed
          injected down the catheter        sperm into the hostile vaginal    •  * V.R. Neagu et al.,
          into the far end of the vagina.   environment results in low           Theriogenology (2011)
          This is then followed by          numbers migrating through         •  ** M.V. Kustritz et al.,
          warm canine semen extender        the cervix into the uterus           Theriogenology (2007)

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