Page 14 - JRT Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 14




                                   The late Richard G. Beauchamp (USA) [Reprinted]

          It is not unusual to hear today's judges complain that they
          cannot be consistent in their placements, saying that all too

          often, one is lucky to find more than one or two dogs in an
          entire entry of even vaguely similar style.

          Many attribute this problem in our show rings      The hobby breeder of today is, by and large,
          to the loss of  the past's highly influential, large   limited by space and economics to a relatively
          breeding kennels.                                  small breeding nucleus. This limits the number of
                                                             litters produced annually and often necessitates
          Today, everyone considers themselves a breeder,    retaining reasonably good, but not necessarily
          even though they may have bred only a litter or    similar-in-type, offspring to show. Today we find
          two. And even more problematic is that whatever    some breeds, as our judges complain, with as
          the results of a breeding may be, the pups         many different styles at a given show as there are
          inevitably end up in the show ring, regardless as   entries.
          to whether they deserve to be.The rationalization
          is: "well, this is just as good as much of what is   The situation is compounded by the rise of what
          being shown".                                      I refer to as our "internet authorities". It once was
                                                             that we read and learned from those who were
          The kennels of old housed enough dogs and          accomplished authorities. Now we read whatever
          bitches to establish and maintain a "look", a "style",   comes across the computer screen. Many believe
          if you will. This look often set a standard that   every word of what they read. Directly, with a
          influenced  large  geographical  areas,  sometimes   minimal investment in a computer and an even
          the entire country. It made judging easier and     smaller  Internet  investment,  anyone  who  cares
          gave the novice, even the experienced breeder, a   can send their opinions (valid or otherwise) out to
          model to aim for.                                  the entire dog world.

           14  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Jack Russell Terrier / Russell Terrier  •  Issue 2/2023
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