Page 120 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 120


             7.        All else being                    10.
                       equal, choose a
                       middle-aged or
                       older sire over a
                       young one.                                      Ask about breeding terms.

           Young dogs may not have reached         Most stud owners will ask for either a fee or a puppy,
           maturity, and also may be too           usually second pick. If your bitch is to stay with the stud
           young to be affected by age-            owner, does boarding cost extra? Is there a fee if she
           related health problems. Very old       must be picked up from the airport? If the stud owner is
           dogs have shown they can live to        to get a puppy, at what age will it be chosen? Ask about
           old age. However, they may have         what constitutes a litter, and what arrangements are
           problems with sperm quality.            made in case no litter results. What sort of pre-breeding
                                                   tests are required?

             8.        Once you’ve
                       narrowed down
                       your choices,
                       contact the
           It’s better to contact only real
           contenders; other owners won’t
           appreciate a shotgun approach,
           especially if they send you lots
           of information and you never get
           back to them. Be prepared to
           tell them about your bitch, and
           either show her to them or supply
           pictures. Explain what you hope to
           achieve with the litter and when
           you plan to breed.

             9.        Ask to see the              Your priorities will differ according to your situation and

                                                   breeding goals. For example, if you’re breeding for show
                       stud’s genetic
                       test & other
                                                   aspects. If you’re breeding for pets, you’ll want to
                       health results.             dogs, you’ll be less likely to compromise on conformation
                                                   emphasize temperament and health over conformation.
           You should already be familiar          If you plan to keep in touch with the stud owner, as most
           with the hereditary problems            breeders of competition dogs do, then you may even factor
           in your breed and any available         in how well you get along with him or her.
           tests for them. Ask about the
           health and longevity of the stud’s      Remember, just as no dog is perfect, no stud choice is
           siblings and ancestors. Give            perfect. But doing the best research you can may raise
           preference to a dog whose owner         your chances of perfect puppies.
           seems upfront about possible

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