Page 135 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 135

Retained testicles, or cryptorchidism, may involve one

            or both testicles. It is due to errors in development.

            The testicle forms near the        in a pouch outside the body.      Retained testicles are sex
            spine and migrates from there      There is also an increased risk   limited in that, for obvious
            down into the scrotum. It is       of testicular cancer; however,    reasons, only a male can have
            attached to a ligament that        this cancer is rare in dogs       them. However the genes
            lengthens as it migrates and       so the overall risk to health     that control formation and
            once the testicle is in place      may be minor. Locating and        descent of the testes into
            the opening into the scrotum       removing the retained testicle    the scrotum are not on the Y
                                               requires abdominal surgery,
            from the abdomen narrows,
 CRYPTORCHIDISM  holding it in place. Sometimes   the extent of which can        (male) chromosome, so either
                                                                                 sex can have and pass the
                                               vary with the location of the
            the testicle goes off-course,
            sometimes the ligament isn’t       retained testicle. Surgery also   genes. Because of the variety
            long enough or contracts           carries risk. Discuss the issue   of errors in physical structure
            (almost 5% of young puppies        with your vet.                    of the testicles and related
            with descended testicles
            later permanently retracted
            them – 2009-10 ASHGI health
            survey), or the opening closes
            too soon (or the testicle arrives
            too late) preventing it from
            descending. While the medical
            terminology for the condition
            is “cryptorchid,” dog jargon
            uses that word to mean both
            testicles undescended and
            “monorchid” for one.

            Generally speaking, if the
            testicles have not descended
            by 4 months of age they
            probably won’t. However, they
            will sometimes come down
            later, even several months
            later though this is extremely     This is a disqualifying fault,    or adjacent tissues that can
            unusual. If the dog is of good     so an affected dog could not      cause a testicle to be retained,
            quality, give him some time to     compete in conformation.          inheritance is probably
            see what happens. Retained         The 2009-10 ASHGI health          complex. Do not breed affected
            testicles are not desirable,       survey found 4% of males are      males. Parents and full and
            mostly because testicles           affected, a disturbingly high     half siblings of an affected dog
            retained within the body cavity    frequency for something that      should not be bred close on
            are sterile. The sterility is      is not only a disqualifying       the pedigree that produced
            caused by the body heat – the      fault but which renders some      it nor to mates with a family
            reason they normally reside        males completely sterile.         history of retained testicles.

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  135
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