Page 144 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 144


                                                                              Sometimes you will see two
                                                                              more letters added to the
                                                                              acronym, making it DISHAAL.
                                                                              The extra “A” refers to anxiety.
                                                                              Dogs with CDS can develop
                                                                              new fears, become clingy,
                                                                              and vocalize more, all due to
                                                                              increased nervousness.

                                                                              And the final “L” indicates
                                                                              issues with learning and
                                                                              memory. Your dog might forget
          CDS affects older dogs, with signs beginning around nine            how to perform behaviors
          years of age. But it progresses slowly, starting with only one      you had previously taught
          or two signs before the dog shows full-blown indicators. The        them, learn new behaviors
          most common signs are covered by the acronym “DISHA.”               more slowly, or be unable to
                                                                              adapt to change. It’s important
          That includes the following behaviors:                              to observe your dog for any
                                                                              of the above signs so you
          •  DISORIENTATION:                                                  can take your dog to the vet

             A disoriented dog will look confused. For example, they          for evaluation and start the
                                                                              recommended treatment as
             might get stuck in a corner, wander aimlessly, or walk           soon as possible.
             towards a door and wait to be let out on the hinge side
             rather than the side that opens.
                                                                              Sundowner syndrome is a part
          •  INTERACTIONS:                                                    of CDS’s sleep-wake cycle
             Your dog’s social relationships with people and other pets       disturbance. Your dog might
                                                                              sleep more in the daytime, then
             will be affected. They might become clingy where they            become restless and agitated at
             used to be independent or become aloof where they were           night, similar to how a person
             once friendly.                                                   with Alzheimer’s disease might

          •  SLEEP-WAKE CYCLE:                                                have a flare-up of their condition

             Your dog’s sleep patterns will change. They might sleep          in the evening. Your dog could
                                                                              pace, wander away, or bark for
             more during the day, but mostly they will start waking in        no reason. This can be disruptive
             the night.
                                                                              to your sleep as well.
          •  HOUSE SOILING:
             Your dog might begin to poop and pee in the house.               To help manage this aspect of
                                                                              your dog’s CDS, Dr. Denenberg
             Dr. Denenberg explains this is a key example of the              suggests, “Owners should add
             forgetfulness caused by CDS. “Owners may not notice              mental and environmental
             when their dog forgets to eat sometimes or forgets               enrichment and exercise.
             known signals. But they will always notice a dog who             Ideally, these can be provided
             forgets to let them know it needs to go out.”
                                                                              on a predictable schedule so
          •  ACTIVITY:                                                        the dog may remember and

             Your dog’s activity levels will shift. They may become           expect them. If the owners can
                                                                              provide it more during the day
             more active and restless or may become lethargic when            and especially use it as a pre-
             they were once quite energetic.
                                                                              emptive tool, it may help with
                                                                              Sundowner syndrome.”

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