Page 162 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 162


          BIS -




          OF ALL

          THE TIME

         Text written by: Jeff Margeson


          The Australian Shepherd Best      and in September 2018 she         2017) became TOP Herding
          In Show record (26!!!) was held   broke the record with her last    group for 2021 with 21 BEST
          by Flapjack (HOF AKC/ASCA         BIS nr 27. BTW Grace is the       IN SHOWs and next year she
          CH Bayshore’s Flapjack, born      only Australian Shepherd to       was Top Winning Australian
          11  October 1988) for over 20     win a national specialty 3        Shepherd of All Time with 29
          years before being broken by      times (USASA), having won in      BIS. What a years for breeder,
          Grace. This record was set 26     2014 and 2016 and again in        owner and handler AJ Tavares!
          years ago back in 1996 by the     2018, 10 months after having
          historic Professional Handler     puppies. In 2017, Grace won       Finally another top winning
          Jimmy Moses.                      the USASA’s first Top Twenty      male come into the scene and
                                            competition, and in 2015, she     again with Megan Hof – JJ
          First in 2017 Grace (M BISS       took Select Bitch. Well done      (AKC MBIS MRBIS MBISS
          M BIS PLATINUM GCH Wind           Team Grace with handler           GCHP2 CH, MBISOH, ASCA
          Spirit Rod’s Amazing Grace,       Megan Hof.                        CH, Supreme BIS, UKC MBIS
          born 29  August 2011)                                               MBISS GrCH Lk Michigan
          became All Time winning BIS       In a little over two years, the   I’m Yours, born 18  August
          bitch in our breed with 17 Best   record has been broken three      2016) hit the tying record 20th
          in Shows. And in May 2018         times (!!!) by Cha Cha, JJ, and   October 2022 for Australian
          Grace ties the record for the     also by Ribbon! Cha Cha (MBIS     Shepherd male BIS with lucky
          most best in shows ever won       MBISS MRBIS GCHG Limelite’s       number #26. Ironically, this
          by an Australian Shepherd         Cha Cha Cha, born 6  February     record was set 26 years ago

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