Page 19 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 19

What do you do together            What about your future            upcoming year to the European
            in your free time apart            plans?                            shows and try to finish some
            from dogshows? how is his          The year 2023 was extremely       foreign championships. This
            character?                         busy and successful for           includes World and Euro
            Bentley is a bright and a          us. He spent most of the          Winner shows of course.
            truly versatile personality.       year at the national shows        Speaking of the longer-term
            He’s gathered all the best         competing for the National        plans we have a dream to
            both as a pet and as a show        ranking points. Therefore         show Bently at the USA
            dog. He’s known for being          we’d love to dedicate the         National Specialty.
            a very outgoing, social dog,
            easy to live and to work
            with. Bently is up for any
            activity he can join. He adores
            kids. The best babysitter for
            our children one can even
            think of. Naturally the show
            life is his main occupation
            so far but also loves the
            whole preparation routine.
            During the show season he’s
            exercising a lot including a
            pool. Besides the brilliant
            show results Bently has been
            very successful at herding:
            he’s reached the highest level
            of the trials now competing
            at the IHT-TS3 level. We’re
            happy to see he’s passing his
            outstanding herding instinct
            to his progeny. Anyhow the
            dogs are foremost the family
            members for us which means
            they share our activities.
            Bently adores water and
            swimming. We believe it’s
            the best leisure time for him.
            What especially amuses us
            is that it takes him a second
            to switch from any activity
            to a stand by mode. He’s
            simply neither seen nor heard
            at home. He’d just sleep on
            a sofa while we’re having a
            meal. In any weather he’d
            love to be with us outdoors
            while we have a barbeque
            and he simply adores guests.
            We have no doubt he’s living
            the best life as a pet and

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  19
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