Page 38 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 38


          Some Aussies only eat what
          they need, while others will
          eat all that is given to them,
          and then some! Each dog is a
          complex mix of genetics and
          learned behaviours and some
          dogs are just more food-
          focused than others.

          How active your Aussie is
          plays a big part in how many
          calories they need, which in
          turn determines how hungry
          they are. It’s important
          that your dog gets enough
          exercise so that they can
          burn up the calories they eat
          during the day. Similarly, it’s
          just as important that your
          dog gets enough food to
          replace the energy they’ve

          Certain medications, such
          as prednisone, can cause
          dogs to have an increased
          appetite. For some medicines,                       HEALTH CONCERNS
          these effects can gradually
          improve over time, as your
          dog gets used to it. These             Some Aussies may               It’s important to try to find
          effects should stop after your         eat because they’re            the ‘Goldilocks zone’ of
          dog stops taking the drug              bored or because they          how much to feed your
          but talk to your vet if you’re         have large appetites,          dog. Feeding them too
          concerned about any effects            but sometimes certain          much can lead to weight
          from your dog’s medication.            health conditions              gain, while not feeding
                                                 could make your dog            enough can lead to weight
          It’s easy for certain habits           hungrier.                      loss and a very hungry dog.
          to creep into your daily life,         These include:                 How much you feed them
          like giving your dog treats            •  Diabetes                    depends on their:
          whenever they show their               •  Cushing’s disease           •  Age
          ‘sad eyes’ face. But dogs are          •  Thyroid problems            •  Neuter status
          smart, and they’ve learnt that         •  Certain cancers             •  Level of activity
          pulling on your heartstrings           •  Parasites                   •  How often you feed
          can get them a tasty snack.            •  Certain                        them
          When your dog asks for food,              gastrointestinal            •  The calorie content of
          they may not even be hungry               problems                       the food
          but may be doing it out of             •  Problems with their         •  Whether they need to
          habit – and also don’t want               pancreas                       lose or gain any weight
          to pass up the chance for a
          tasty treat.

           38  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024
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