Page 71 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 71

The Westminster Kennel
            Club, established in 1877, is      History                           television homes across the
            America's oldest organization      In 1877, New York was well        country. Westminster has
            dedicated to the sport of dogs.    on its way to becoming the        become America’s Dog Show.
            It hosts the iconic, all-breed     world’s greatest city. This
            Westminster Kennel Club Dog        was the year that a group of
            Show, the second-longest,          sporting gentlemen decided
            continuously held sporting         that this would be a good            “Westminster gets its
            event in the U.S., and since       time to hold a dog show in           name from a long-gone
            1948, the longest nationally                                            hotel in Manhattan. There,
            televised live dog show.           Manhattan. It didn’t take long       sporting gentlemen used
            The annual dog show—a              before the Westminster Kennel        to meet in the bar to
            conformation competition           Club, following the lead of its      drink and lie about their
            for purebred dogs—and the          home town, would be on its           shooting accomplishments.
            Masters Agility Championship       way to becoming the world’s          Eventually, they formed a
            and Masters Obedience              greatest dog show.                   club and bought a training
            Championship— where dogs                                                area and kennel. They kept
            from all backgrounds are           With its spectacular                 their dogs there and hired
            eligible to compete—make           beginnings and extraordinary         a trainer. They couldn’t
            Westminster Week with its          growth in the years to follow,       agree on the name of their
            nearly 3,000 dogs from the         the Westminster Kennel Club          new club. Finally, someone
            U.S. and around the world          Dog Show quickly reflected           suggested that they name
            a pinnacle experience for          the growth and success of            it after their favourite bar.
            any dog lover. The Club’s          New York City. As the dog            The idea was unanimously
            mission, which enhances the        show grew yearly, so did             selected, we imagine, with
            lives of all dogs, celebrates      the Westminster Kennel               the hoisting of a dozen
            the companionship of dogs,         Club’s position as the symbol        drinking arms.”
            promotes responsible               of the purebred dog, with
            dog ownership, and breed           its influence being felt in          – Maxwell Riddle, from a
            preservation. WESTMINSTER.         show rings everywhere and            newspaper story quoted in
            There's only one.                  eventually in millions of            “The Dog Show, 125 Years
                                                                                    of Westminster” by William

                                                                                 It was at one of those meetings
                                                                                 that the members decided that
                                                                                 they would stage a dog show
                                                                                 so that they could compare
                                                                                 their dogs in a setting away
                                                                                 from the field. The First Annual
                                                                                 New York Bench Show of Dogs,
                                                                                 given under the auspices of the
                                                                                 Westminster Kennel Club, was
                                                                                 staged in 1877 at Gilmore’s
                                                                                 Garden (the forerunner of
                                                                                 Madison Square Garden) in
                                                                                 New York City, drawing an
                                                                                 entry of 1201 dogs.

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