Page 109 - JRT Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 109

Canine Herpes virus (CHV1)

            The family of Herpes viruses may cause disease        CHV1 is most commonly spread via the upper
            in many species of animals, including humans.         airways, when dogs are sniffing or coughing,
            Characteristic for this group of viruses is that      or spread via saliva, urine, or vaginal
            after an acute infection, the virus will remain       discharges, but it can also be spread when
            in  the  body  in  a  resting  state  and  can  be  re-  dogs are mating. It does not survive outside
            activated in connection with all kinds of stress.     the body for more than about 24 hours, and it
                                                                  is sensitive to most disinfectants. The risk of
            Well known in humans is the stress-related            it spreading via clothes and shoes, therefore,
            flare up of lip ulcers caused by Herpes Simplex.
                                                                  is small, although it is always a good idea to
                                                                  be careful.
            Canine Herpes Virus 1 (CHV1) only occurs
            in dogs. This virus is widespread in the dog          The canine herpes virus grows very slowly,
            population in many parts of the world, and            multiplying only once per 24 hours and is,
            between 40% and 88% of tested dogs have               therefore, not very infectious. The kennel that
            been  found  to  have  antibodies  against  CHV1,     becomes infected with CHV1, however, can
            which shows that they, at some time, have been        be hit quite hard over a period of time, until
            infected with this virus (Krogenaes et al., 2012;     most of the dogs have become infected and
            2014).                                                have developed antibodies against CHV1.
                                                                  This may take 6 months or more, depending
            In dogs older than 12 weeks, mild respiratory         on the circumstances.
            disease is the most common clinical sign.
            However, adult dogs that become infected              When a dog or bitch is infected by CHV1 for
            with  CHV1  may  also  develop  inflammation  of      the first time, it will take 2 to 3 weeks before
            the  sclera of  the eye  and  an infection of  the    the increase in antibodies has reached a
            genital tract – sometimes with small blisters         level that is high enough for the virus to stop
            in the vaginal or preputial mucosa. Abortions         multiplying, and eventually  transform into
            have been seen in pregnant bitches after              its latent form. The CHV1 can only infect
            experimentally induced infection, but it is           other dogs during its actively multiplying
            unclear whether that occurs also in connection        phase. Consequently, after 2 to 3 weeks the
            with natural infections. CHV1 is also a part of       individuals that have been infected by CHV1
            the kennel cough complex.                             for  the  first  time  will  no  longer  spread  the
                                                                  disease to other dogs. The antibody level will
            In contrast, to that in adults, for young puppies     then slowly diminish over time, sometimes
            up to 2 to 3 weeks of age, CHV1 is an acute           over several years. If the same dog is
            life-threatening disease. Puppies can become          infected by CHV1 again this will induce a
            infected in the uterus during pregnancy, or in        booster effect, and this time it will take just 2
            connection with parturition. It usually takes 6       to 3 days for the antibody response to reach
            to 10 days from when the puppies are infected         the level when the virus is inactivated and
            until they begin to show clinical signs. They         stops multiplying, and the dog no longer is
            then usually die within 1 to 3 days. A first sign     shedding the virus and, thus, will not spread
            that something is wrong with the litter is that       the infection to other dogs.
            the puppies are restlessly moving around and
            frequently  vocalizing,  and  that  they  will  not
            suckle. Usually, all the puppies in the litter will
            become infected and the mortality rate is high. If   Consequently, only newly infected dogs spread
            some of the infected puppies survive, they may     CHV1 to other dogs, and only during the phase
            later develop locomotion problems, or become       when the virus is actively multiplying, which is 2
            blind or deaf, because of damage to the brain,     to 3 weeks if it is the first infection or only for 2
            or they may have poor kidney or liver function.    to 3 days in a dog that has been infected before.

                                                        A Worldwide Magazine for the Jack Russell Terrier / Russell Terrier  •  Issue 2/2023  |  109
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