Page 23 - JRT Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 23

Prognosis                                             Risk factors

            Because  a  kennel-blind  breeder  can  become        Kennel blindness is more apt to be a problem
            "blind" to serious faults and health defects in       for the following:
            their dogs, these problems may become fixed in
            a couple of generations. Unless quickly diagnosed
            and treated, kennel blindness can lead to the
            demise of a successful breeding program.                  1     Breeders who do not have an
                                                                            'eye' for a dog.

            Symptoms                                              Some Breeders are simply not born with an

            Fortunately, most common symptoms of kennel           'eye' for a dog. Despite having read and studied
            blindness are easy to spot. Following are three of    their breed's standard, they are incapable of
            the most pervasive symptoms:                          correctly evaluating structure and movement.

                  An inability to see and appreciate the good
                  qualities in a competitor's dogs. Kennel
            blind breeders tend to focus on negative features               Novice breeders who are
            in dogs other than their own.                             2     strongly affected by a dog's
            SUGGESTION: Re-read your breed's standard                       temperament and personality.
            keeping in mind that most standards delineate the     Many kennel blind people think all puppies
            essential aspects of a breed, allowing breeders       are cute. These owners usually decide to
            the freedom to express their own concepts of the      breed their dog, not to improve the breed, but
            non-essentials. In this way a range of excellence     because they love his personality and want
            may be produced in a breed without sacrificing        more puppies just like him.
            each dog's ability to fit into the standard.
                  The belief that you have bred the "perfect"
                  dog. No "perfect" dog has ever or will ever               Breeders who have produced
            be bred in any breed. Even your best can always           3     quality animals in the past but are
            be improved upon.                                               now struggling to stay on top.
            SUGGESTION:   Realize that your concept of what       Many successful breeders who have had
            is ideal may change. Experience with a breed may      past super stars are usually looking for their
            gradually  change  the  priority  a  breeder  gives   next big winner. They may be more prone to
            to certain features. A stickler for correct heads     overlooking faults in their animals.
            may gradually start emphasizing angulations
            and movement, realizing that the latter are also
            essential aspects of the breed.                                 Breeders working with a small

                  Blaming the fact that your dog is not winning       4     number of dogs.
              3   on bad judging, politics or anything except
            the possibility that there may be something wrong
            with your dog. Kennel blind people always have an     Because small breeders have less to choose
            excuse for why their dog didn't win. While some       from, they may not want to open their eyes to
            of their reasoning may be legitimate, consistently    problems in their breeding.
            losing under a variety of judges usually means
            a  dog  does  not  fit the  standard  in  one  or  more
            important aspects.                                              Breeders whose every waking
            SUGGESTION:  If your dog is not winning, ask              5     moment revolves around dogs.
            several knowledgeable people to evaluate your
            dog. Tell them to be honest and listen with an        Making dogs a "live or die" situation can affect
            open mind.                                            objectivity.

                                                         A Worldwide Magazine for the Jack Russell Terrier / Russell Terrier  •  Issue 2/2023  |  23
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