Page 69 - JRT Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 69
environmental effects on the strength of the areas where lost people are likely to be, air-
trail left behind. scenting dogs can quickly scan the site. From
the origin of the scent or piece of evidence,
SAR trailing dog the trailing dogs can begin manoeuvring
Trailing dogs follow the specific scent outwards.
left behind by a missing person. They
focus accurately on the smell and detect Human-remains detection is a specific
turns or even “double backs” made by the training undertaken by the SAR dog. The
missing person. These dogs often work dogs focus on odours specific to deceased
alongside the helper and remain on-lead. humans. These smells can travel through
water. Working near and even in the water,
SAR air-scent dogs SAR dogs assist in rescues and recoveries
Air-scent tracking dogs follow diffused involving drownings. Avalanche SAR dogs
or airborne aromas until they locate the are also used for both rescue of human and
origin of the smell. Often working off-lead, recovery of human remains.
these dogs can cover large areas within a
short time. The dog barks to let the handler Some kennel clubs offer titles for SAR dogs.
know they have found the missing person’s The American Kennel Club (AKC) honours
scent or origin. search and rescue achievements with an
AKC Title Certificate. Urban search and
SAR Special purpose dogs: avalanche, rescue titles need certification as deployable
cadaver, disaster, etc dogs for FEMA or State Search and Rescue.
Following a disaster over a large Your dog must participate in at least 5 actual
area, it’s not uncommon for air-scent and wilderness SAR efforts to be eligible for a
trailing dogs to work together. Deployed in Wilderness SAR title.
Author biography
Steph Rendall, U.K.
I started mantrailing with
my own dogs in June 2018.
In January 2019, I took the
instructor course and have
been teaching since then.
I took the Scentwork UK
instructor course in March
of 2019. In 2022, I became a
Certified Scentwork Specialist
with the Dog Training College.
Prior to this, I taught flyball for
20 years.
A Worldwide Magazine for the Jack Russell Terrier / Russell Terrier • Issue 2/2023 | 69