Page 135 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 135

We,  humans,  find  the  novel  irresistible.  We  are         “The Australian shepherd
            fascinated by what’s new or different. We crave
            what’s “hot.” This is true not only of clothing          is…slightly longer than tall, of
            trends and electronic gizmos but also of our             medium size and bone, has a
            dogs.  There  are  breeds  or  types  of  dogs
            that have been “in” because something                         coat of moderate length…
            –  frequently  a  popular  movie  or                  Head is…dry…muzzle is equal in
            television program – presents them to
            the  public  at  large  in  an  appealing               length or slightly shorter than
            manner.  While  we  who  are  “in                      the back skull…The Ears…break
            dogs” generally cringe when our                                forward…or to the side…”
            favourite breed shows up in a
            major entertainment vehicle,               Breed Standard, American Kennel Club
            we  are  no  less  prone  to
            flights  of  doggy  fashion
            than the average person
            sitting  in  a  theatre  or
            on the couch...

            Media-driven  breed  popularity  surges  are       there is no known background, they were simply
            largely  beyond  our  control.  Despite  the  best   useful ranch dogs with duties including guarding
            efforts  of  clubs,  rescue  groups,  and  concerned   and varmint control as well as moving livestock.
            fanciers, there are always plenty of unscrupulous
            commercial  breeders,  large  and  small,  who  are   Type was highly variable in the mid-20th century
            willing to produce volumes of “product” to meet    as to size, coat, colour and ear sets, but the majority
            consumer  demand  leaving  us  to  pick  up  the   would conform to modern breed standards. The
            pieces. But we also have our own fashion cycles    Australian  Shepherd  Club  of  America  (ASCA)
            that we need to beware of.                         standard  developed  in  the  mid-1970s  is  the
                                                               ancestor of all standards in use today. The quotes
            Subject and History                                above from the current ASCA and AKC standards
            I’m using my own breed, the Australian Shepherd,   conform  very  closely  to  that  original  document,
            to illustrate my thesis not because it is the most   with one exception which will be discussed later.
            blatant  example  (it’s  not)  but  because  it  is  the   The development of that ancestral standard and
            breed I know best. Look at your own breed – its    the booming popularity of a show bloodline that
            standard, what’s winning today, and what won in    closely met that standard led to a more uniform
            times past – and you can probably find your own    appearance  across  the  breed.  Even  breeders  of
            examples.                                          working and trial dogs, whose main concern was
                                                               performance traits, were less prone to breed those
 Text written by: C.A. Sharp,
            The Australian Shepherd is a recently developed    dogs that varied most widely from the standard.
            breed.  The  first  studbook  registration  was  in
            1957. The dogs derived largely from indigenous     Setting an Example
            ranch  dogs  of  the  American  West  in  the  early   Fashions in appearance tend not to plague working
            to the mid-20th century. These dogs frequently     and  performance  dog  breeders.  Their  focus  is
            exhibited  blue  merle  colouration  and  bobbed   elsewhere. The conformation ring, however, puts
            tails. The smooth-faced variety of the Pyrenean    primary focus on how the dog looks. Movement
            Shepherd and herding dogs of unspecified breed     is important, but the dog must first look right; a
            but  of  generic  collie  type  from  Australia  have   dog that moved like an Aussie but looked like an
            been  documented  as  contributing  to  the  breed.   oversized Sheltie would not (and should not) win
            The  breed  has  about  300  founders  –  far  more   in any show with competition. The nature of any
            than many breeds – and for most of these dogs      competition is to identify the individuals that are

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 1/2023  |  135
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