Page 166 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 166
An Interview with a Club President
What are the benefits to breeders of club What are the biggest problems facing your Club?
membership? To exhibitors? To judges? Our biggest problem facing ASCA today is the need
To me, the most important benefit of being an to upgrade our computer system; our old system
ASCA club member is our registry and the ability to had not been updated for over 20 years, and it was
register our Aussies at a reduced membership rate. written in a computer language that is no longer
ASCA welcomes all new exhibitors to participate support by the IT world, if the system would have
and have fun in a competitive atmosphere. crashed it would have had a detrimental effect on
It’s an honour and a privilege to exhibit our ASCA and our members. This project has taken
Aussies to Breeder Judges that have a thorough a major toll on ASCA’s finances, but the ASCA
understanding of the ASCA breed standard, these membership has been generous with their donations
individuals spent many hours in the whelping box to this project.
and mentoring new people in the breed. To me
being an ASCA Senior Breeder Judge is one of the How do you encourage young people to get
most rewarding accomplishments I’ve been able to involved?
achieve. Junior Committee, this committee is comprised of
past juniors and parents of juniors that focus only
What are the biggest problems facing the breed on the kids, currently, the main junior program is
right now? junior showmanship, but the committee is working
The Aussie has changed over the years and has on adding the same programs to agility, stock dog,
gotten away from their original intent. Some of and all performance venues.
the issues I see today is big bone, too much hair,
incorrect heads type and poor structure. Does your Club provide any community services
or reach out to the public to educate them about
the purebred dog?
All ASCA members are ambassadors of our breed,
we all believe the Aussie is the smartest and
hardest-working breed in the country, no wonder
we have so many dedicated members.
What does your Club do for fundraising?
We lean on our membership for donations, ASCA is
a membership-driven organisation that has always
been committed to excellence in times of need. Our
membership loves our breed and is dedicated to our
club and its members.
Is there anything that your club does especially
All ASCA well that might be useful for other clubs to
members are incorporate?
ambassadors of We have great programs and program committees;
these individuals are dedicated to the betterment
our breed, we all of each program and work tireless hours to make
believe the Aussie going to a show or trail enjoyable for all. ASCA
is competitive, our competitor is fierce, and our
is the smartest and membership is friendly to all newcomers, ASCA is
hardest-working breed FAMILY.
in the country On behalf of The Australian Shepherd Magazine, we
would like to thank you for this wonderful interview.
166 | A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 1/2023