Page 172 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 172

An Interview with a Junior Handler

          I  also  really  like  to  show  several  breeds  from
          group  7,  such  as  the  Weimaraner  and  the
          Irish  Setter.  But  of  course,  my  favourite  breed
          to  show,  is  and  always  will  be  the  Australian
          Shepherd  and  definitely  my  favourite  dog  to
          show  is  the  Gummy-dog  with  whom  we  have
          done  so  much!  We  made  the  biggest  victories
          together  with  this  boy!  I  can’t  explain  and  put
          into words how much I get high plunging into
          working with him. For me, he is irreplaceable.

          What's  next  on  the  agenda?  Will  you  be
          pursuing  a  career  as  a  full-time  professional
          handler? Is it even possible in your country and
          in Europe to be full-time handler only?
          At  the  moment  I  do  not  see  my  future  in  my
          country,  because  I  want  to  grow  and  become
          better  as  a  professional  handler,  I  think  that
          this is impossible here. Unfortunately, based on
          experience and the real situation, I understand
          that  where  I  am  now,  handlers  are  not
          appreciated enough and people do not see their
          need, so in the future, I hope that I will have the
          opportunity to continue learning new things and
          work in southern Europe.
                                                             have to trust him. I think that not one professional
          Can  you  tell  us  about  your  most  emotional   handler can do without trust in his dog; because
          experience in Junior handling?                     without that there will be no contact, there will
          For  me,  it  was  definitely  a  junior  handler   be no freedom and grace, and there will be no
          competition  on  the  Split,  because  there  were   confidence.  Therefore,  trust  and  be  one,  one
          all  the  people  dear  to  me  who  put  all  their   must complement the other.
          knowledge into me, for me to reach that result -
          3rd place on the Supreme junior handling. It was   Do you have any advice for anyone who might
          a huge honour for me to first win first place on   be  interested  in  learning  more  about  Junior
          the very first night of the show under Fabrizio    Handling?
          Pistone, and then take Supreme 3rd place on the    For people who want to know more about junior
          last night of the show under the world-famous      handling,  I  advise  you  to  ask.  Ask  everything
          Jason Lynn. I will never forget those emotions,    that interests you, most of the professionals will
          which support of my team, as well as unknown       help  you  and  give  answers  to  your  questions.
          people.  These  few  nights  have  become  very    But I also want to advise you to try to look for
          memorable for me. I am nominated as the Best       all  possible  information  yourself.  Study,  study
          Junior  handler  in  Latvia  according  to  the  point   and study again. I believe that there is no limit to
          system  and  I  got  the  chance  to  represent  my   perfection, so do everything to become it.
          country at Crufts Junior Handling competition
          2023!!! Dreams come true!                          Who has been your biggest inspiration?
                                                             I  don't  think  I  will  say  anything  new,  because
          What do you think is the key to a successful       these  people  are  the  inspiration  for  so  many
          dog and handler relationship?                      young  people,  but  I  really  think  that  they  do
          For  me,  the  most  important  thing  is  trust.  Not   more than anyone else and dedicate themselves
          only does the dog have to trust you, but you also   to  dogs  completely  and  without  a  trace.

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