Page 80 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 80

An Interview with a Breeder

          and maintained her Platinum Grand Championship     used to do them at 8 weeks, but I’ve found that
          and many All Breed Best In Shows. Then I bred Suzi   I can see more when they are more up on their
          to Syd and we got Adele and Icy who became All     feet. We put them on the table and go over them
          Breed Best In Show girls.                          from nose to tail. Then Becky takes the whole litter
                                                             from about 7 weeks up for long walks around the
          Do you see any difference in today's Aussies       yard to watch them move on the side. She has
          compared to those from 10-20 years ago? If so,     developed an excellent eye for seeing foot timing.
          what are the biggest differences you see?          She evaluates horses as well for showing. I truly
          Absolutely, on one hand, our breeders of today are   value her opinion. We’re partners in this.
          breeding some of the prettiest Aussies around.
          Their structure is so correct. Now when I go to    Do you groom your own dogs? At what age do
          the Nationals at Purina Farms every year, I see    you begin to groom your puppies?
          dogs that I could take home in a minute. They      I groomed the dogs for years, and now I have Becky
          have more finesse, and correctness, just so pretty.   for that. She’s much better at it than I am and loves
          I attribute this to a bit of social media, we can talk   it. She starts brushing them at about 5 weeks,
          to each other much easier now, we can see dogs     grinding their nails, and baths come at 6 weeks.
          we admire on Facebook and inquire about them.      Then introduce them to the blow dryer; we have a
          Our national magazines make it easier to advertise   dryer that we can turn down the fan so as not to
          and the ads are so much cleaner.                   scare the puppies, as they become better at it, she
                                                             increases it. By the time the dogs are 5-6 months,
                                                             they are putting their front feet up on the table edge
                                                             to be lifted up and groomed. Our boys especially
             We tried to attend every                        seem to enjoy the brushing and line combing.
             National Specialty we could                     Do you have any advice for our readers who

             get to. I would introduce                       would like to become successful breeders?
             myself to other breeders                        My  best  advice  is  to  watch  and  talk  to  other
                                                             successful breeders of all breeds. Read any books
             whom I admired. We talked                       you can get a hold of on good breeding. Most of all

             dogs the entire week...                         find the best mentor you can and ask them to mentor
                                                             you on your first litter. Before you start, make sure
                                                             you have the best bitch you can afford. Your strong
                                                             bitch will produce the best puppies for you.
          What aspect(s) do you think that breeders need
          to work on improving?                              Who are your current show stars?

          Well, I still see rears that move parallel instead   Well, we have everyone finished as far as their
          of converging toward the centre. I still see some   championships.  Becky  is  now  training  them  in
          rolling over the top-line. I want to see the dogs   agility, rally, obedience, and herding. She wants
          hold their top-line when gaiting. Kind of the usual   to put performance titles on them and she’s done
          stuff. Some of the Aussies of today are still fearful   well so far. She wants people to know that McMatt
          of noises. That is where temperaments can be       dogs can perform in all venues.
          improved upon.
                                                             Is there anything you would like to add?
          At what age(s) do you evaluate your puppies for    Please  do  everything  you  can  to  preserve  our
          show potential?                                    wonderful breed. Everyone has a favourite breed,
          Well, puppies that are born here in my house,      and I’m not advocating that other breeds are not as
          Becky and I watch every day for hours. As my       good, but for me, there’s nothing like an Australian
          puppies grow, I want to see them trot not hop      Shepherd.  Thank  you  for  asking  me  to  do  this
          when they move. I evaluate them at 9 weeks. I      interview.

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