Page 129 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 129

Allantoin is the end product of purine catabolism
            in all mammals with the exception of man, apes
            and Dalmatian dog breed. Man and Dalmatian
            dogs  produce  uric  acid  resulting  in  increase  of
            uric  acid  concentration  in  blood  and  urine  and
            can  cause  serious  health  problems.  However,
            the  mechanism  of  production  of  high  levels
            of  uric  acid  concentration  in  blood  is  different
            in both kinds. In kidneys of man and apes, the
            uric acid is filtrated in glomeruli and part of it is
            reabsorbed in proximal tubules, where it enters
            again into the circulation. During the evolution
            of  primates,  several  nonsense  mutations  of
            uratoxidase enzyme were substituted (catalyses
            the enzymatic oxidation of uric acid to allantoin),
            which  led  to  suppression  of  enzyme  function
            and  to  increase  in  concentration  of  uric  acid  in
            blood and urine. The uric acid circulates as free
            uric  acid  or  uric  acid  salts  in  plasma,  where  it
            serves as free radical. The uric acid predisposes
            the man to uric acid stone formation and gout.
            The Dalmatian dog breed has lost the ability of    the  bladder,  in  which  case  you  may  see  blood
     Text written by: Martina Svecova. Photographs provided by: Veronika Follaufova, Monika Peliskova
            reabsorption of uric acid in the proximal tubule   in the urine, difficulty and pain in urinating and
            thanks  to  mutation  in  urate  transport  protein;   small,  frequent  amounts  of  urine.  Urinary  tract
            the  excretion  of  uric  acid  equals  to  or  exceeds   obstruction  is  a  serious  condition  that  occurs
            the rate of glomerular filtration. In Dalmatians,   when a stone completely blocks the urethra and
            a  defect  in  urine  metabolism  caused  that  the   blocks the outflow of urine (more common in male
            Dalmatians  excrete  the  uric  acid  instead  of   dogs that have a smaller urethra). Signs include
            allantoin. The uric acid forms uric acid stones in   straining to urinate, vomiting and loss of appetite,
            Dalmatians. This trait was probably fixed in the   weakness and lethargy (lack of energy), due to
            breed  through  selection  for  a  more  distinctive   toxins building up in the body.
            spotting  pattern.  The  specific  pattern  of  their
            coat has been created by at least three various    Recently,  a  DNA-test  is  available  that  reliably
            mutations:                                         reveals the gene that is responsible for excessive
            •  a mutation for white coat colour (MITF gene,    excretion of the uric acid in urine. Hyperuricosuria
                Karlsson et al. 2007),                         in dogs is caused by single nucleotide exchange
            •  a dominant mutation at the T-locus causing      of  c.G563T  (p.C188F)  in  SLC2A9  gene  (gene
                spotting (Little 1957),                        for urate transport) (Bannasch et al. 2008). The
            •  a mutation influencing the spot size - just     disease  is  described  as  an  autosomal-recessive
                with this mutation is probably segregated      condition.  This  means  that  a  dog  must  inherit
                the mutation responsible for the occurrence    two  copies  of  an  abnormal  gene  (one  from  its
                of hyperuricosuria (Schaible 1976).            mother and one from its father) before its health
                                                               is affected. A dog that inherits only one copy of
            The  changes  in  the  urine  are  generally  present   the abnormal gene (from its mother or its father)
            from birth. However it usually takes some time     will have no signs of the disease, but will be a
            for  crystals  to  form  and  combine  into  stones   carrier and may pass the gene on to any offspring.
            that cause problems, most often between 3 and
            6  years  of  age.  The  signs  you  will  see  in  your   Almost  every  dog  of  Dalmatian  breed  with
            dog  depend  on  where  in  the  urinary  tract  the   the  exception  of  LUA  Dalmatians  suffers  from
            stones  end  up.  They  collect  most  commonly  in   hyperuricosuria  – affected homozygotes – having

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