Page 64 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 64


          At this time in my life we were living in Market   a beautiful bitch who won a RCC but she didn’t
          Rasen  and  bred  Beagles,  CKCS  and  Tibetan     grow on enough and although she was just in the
          Terriers.  In  1989  we  moved  to  where  we  are   standard she was returned to the breeder.
          now in Solihull, in the West Midlands but sadly,
          I couldn’t bring Spook the pony with us as he was   Jumping  forward  to  1993  when  my  first  real
          only on loan, so my riding stopped. My family took   show dog was born, Ch Risepark Firm favourite
          on a large boarding kennels and continued with     aka Archie he was a Miniature Schnauzer so I
          the Beagles the CKCS faded out but my Mum          did down size a little from the giant but it was a
          continued with the Tibetan Terrier’s although the   great trade off. Archie was bred by the famous
          Beagles were still the main breed. I was 11 at  the   Rispark Kennel of Peter Newman and Barry Day.
          time but still wasn’t really interested in showing.   Barry had bought the house next door to us and
          Instead I would work in the kennels at weekends    I was quite taken by the breed. I have a lot to
          and holidays, saving up for my ‘big’ adventure     thank Barry and Peter for as they gave me a lot
          across the world someday. Occasionally, I would    of support both showing and grooming. By this
          go to the shows but I wanted my own dog to         time I had left the Barbers and I was training
          show. I didn’t want to show the Beagles as they    as a Veterinary Nurse but I couldn’t get on with
          were so ‘naughty’ and I wanted to show a big dog.   all  the  studying,  so  due  to  my  background  in
          I had in mind a Giant Schnauzer and Rottweiler     barbering and my new found love for grooming,
          to name just two on my list, which were both       I opened my own salon at the kennels called
          as hard. I ended up with a Tervueran.  She was     ‘Sham-Pooch’,  which  was  very  successful  I

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