Page 31 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 31


                                                               Marlène Gajewski

                                                               Le Tilleul - France
                                                               Des Terres De Khairyaca Aussie kennel


                                                                                 is a well-known boy. Very
                                                                                 successful dog - European
                                                                                 winner, vice World winner,
                                                                                 International champion and
                                                                                 many many other victories.
                                                                                 How is Jack doing now as a
                                                                                 10-year-old boy?
                                                                                 Jack truly is the dog of my life.
                                                                                 My soul dog. He was a perfect
                                                                                 show dog, and he loved it! He
                                                                                 is also perfect in everyday life.
                                                                                 I would have loved to show
                                                                                 him as a veteran but it won’t
                                                                                 be possible. He broke his
                                                                                 tarsus 18 months ago and we
                                                                                 had to stabilize his joint. But
                                                                                 luckily this doesn’t impact his
            quality of their production.       about it, but I’m sure I was very   everyday life.
            They had a big influence on my     annoying, and she must have
            own breeding program.              been so fed up with me. And of    What do you consider
            First of all, Crystal Lake         course, Northbay’s and Xsell’s    your biggest highlight and
            kennel, whose production           Kennels are ones that I admire    greatest achievement as a
            is very homogeneous with           a lot. It was an evidence for me   breeder/owner?
            very balanced movement             when I looked at their breed      Without any hesitation, being
            and amazing expressions.           type and movement. They           the winner dog with Jack at
            Hearthside kennel, which           breed great quality dogs and      USASA’s Nationals brought
            brought a lot to my own            brought a lot to my breeding      me endless joy. It was truly
            breeding program. Either           program those last years. I       a special moment and I am
            through the sires, I was able      met with Heather and Heater       very happy to have lived it
            to use, and I mostly think of      in 2017 during USASA’s            with my Jack. Of course, my
            MBIS MGCH MCH ASCA CH              Nationals, and we had great       results from those past years
            Hearthside Riveredge Sure          chemistry from the beginning.     at French Nationals are very
            is Summum “Quizz” that I           I believe their bloodlines        important to me and make me
            particularly loved, or through     complement nicely with mine.      really proud. As a breeder, I
            the dogs, I was able to import                                       would say that what makes me
            to France after harassing Betsy    Your home-bred male               the proudest is the regularity
            for many years. I now laugh        Jumping Jack Flash Des TDK        of my results.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  31
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