Page 39 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 39

Typically, food that’s high       Sudden changes to your dog’s feeding habits can also be
              in protein and fibre is good      caused by stress or anxiety.
              to help your pet feel fuller
              for longer. Combined with         Take your dog to your vet as your first port of call but try
              a lower fat content, this         speaking to an animal behaviourist if you think your dog is
              type of food can help keep        unhappy or if the vet has ruled out any illness.
              weight down in pets prone
              to weight gain. Some              If your dog often begs for food or tries to hypnotise you with a
              Aussies working a lot will        ‘please feed me’ look, you could:
              need more energy in their         •  Offer them some fresh water - sometimes quenching their
              diet, which can be helped             thirst may distract them
              by providing more calories        •  Take them for a walk, as this may help to take their mind
              through fats. A trip to the           off food
              vet is usually sparked by a       •  Give them a healthy snack, such as carrot sticks or slices
              change in a dog’s health or           of apple. Alternatively, you could give them a small
              behaviour. If your Aussie
              has always been a hungry              amount of kibble, but make sure if you give any treats
              hound, then it might be               these are taken into consideration when calculating your
              worth mentioning it at                dog’s total calorie intake for the day. Remember that
              their next vet check-up.              some healthy fruits that we eat, such as grapes, can be
              If you notice a sudden                dangerous to dogs, so make sure the food you give them
              change in your dog’s                  is suitable for dogs.
              appetite, contact your vet.       •  Give them some attention, such as petting them or playing
              It’s especially important             with them
              to contact your vet if            •  Give them small meals throughout the day to keep them
              their insatiable appetite             feeling full
              is accompanied by other           •  Time your dog’s meal so that you feed them before you
              signs, such as:                       prepare your own meal or before you eat
              •  Changes in how thirsty         •  Try giving them their food in a puzzle feeder or any treats
                  they are                          in a Kong to keep them mentally stimulated
              •  Being sick or having an        •  Make sure that everyone in the house is aware not to give
                  upset stomach                     in to begging for food
              •  Eating things that             •  It may be tough for your dog if you suddenly cut off their
                  aren’t food                       supply of treats, so try gradually reducing the amount
              •  Changes in their weight            you give.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  39
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