Page 102 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 102


          All cancers stem from genetic     other risky mutations, or sets
          mutations. Sometimes genes        of mutations, it has or will
          that are supposed to signal       acquire as it goes through life.
          cell death at the appropriate     Or the balance can be tipped by
          time fail to turn on. Or genes    something in the environment.
          important to cell division
          get stuck in the “on” position    A dog breeder can only do
          causing rapid production          a limited amount to control
          of abnormal cells. Often it       exposure of her puppies to
          isn’t a matter of a mutation      environmental carcinogens
          within a single gene: Entire      and nothing at all to prevent
          chunks of chromosomes             DNA copying errors. She can
          can become detached and           do something about inherited
          fasten themselves to other        predisposition, but only if she
          chromosomes, disrupting           knows what cancers her breed
          the proper function of            and bloodlines are prone to.
          numerous genes.

          Most cancerous mutations are
          not inherited; they accumulate    I FIRST BECAME
          throughout the body over          CONCERNED
          the course of a lifetime.         ABOUT THE
          Exposure to certain chemicals,    HERITABILITY
          radioactive substances or too     OF CANCER IN
          much sunlight might scramble
          part of your dog’s DNA. As        AUSTRALIAN
          the DNA is copied over and        SHEPHERDS IN
          over again throughout a dog’s     THE LATE 1990s.
          life, DNA transcription errors
          can accumulate. Most of the
          body’s cells are autosomal.       At that time I was assisting      of the American West. Since
          Only the germ cells produce       the late Dr. John Armstrong,      that time, breed type has
          the sperm and eggs                a geneticist at the University    been refined and standardized
          necessary to reproduction.        of Ottawa, with his canine        through linebreeding. This
          If a cancer-causing mutation      longevity study. He gathered      is a normal and necessary
          occurs in germ cells, it can be   data on several breeds,           step to breed development.
          passed from one generation        including the Aussie. He          However, it is not without
          to the next. Moby’s dam           told me that cancer was the       risks. In the process certain
          also had mammary cancer,          most common cause of non-         individuals, usually males, will
          a disease that has been           accidental death, which is a      become disproportionately
          demonstrated to be heritable      normal finding in dogs. But he    represented in the breed
          in humans.                        went on to say than among         gene pool. These will be
                                            more recent dogs cancer           dogs that not only exhibited
          Cancer inheritance is rarely as   appeared to be happening with     highly desired traits, but
          clear-cut as that of traits like   increasing frequency in dogs     reproduced them consistently.
          coat color. Mutations linked to   that were not old.                But along with all those
          cancer often only predispose                                        desirable genes, some that
          a dog to develop the disease.     Our breed developed mostly in     are far less desirable will have
          Whether it remains healthy        the early-to-mid-20th century     hitched a ride into subsequent
          or not will depend on what        from indigenous ranch dogs        generations.

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