Page 97 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 97

I have been lucly enough to        I think the added difficulty in   I much prefer to see what
            attend many great shows            having to choose breeding         puppies do naturally and I have
            overseas including the AKC         partners where colour,            often had pick of litter that
            National, Westminster,             health and NBT status being       haven’t necessarily been the
            Multiple USASA nationals and       complimentary a challenge.        best puppies stacked because
            the CKCS National in the US.       So far I have found Aussie        they would fight and spoil their
                                               mothers to be exceptional, 9 of   outsides. With some of the
            Are you showing your dogs          the 11 litters I have had have    lines I am working with I have
            yourself?                          been whelped naturally with       an idea of what I will keep at 6
            The dogs that live with            ease. (Both C-Sections were       weeks, and with others it’s not
            Dominic and myself are             done on Secret due to the size    until 10 or 12 weeks I made the
            handled by us. Sadly in            of her litters and puppies on     final decision on which puppy
            August last year I injured         board). The girls have all been   or puppies will stay or go on to
            by back and am currently           meticulous in keeping their       be shown and bred from.
            working with a neurosurgeon        babies clean and do the most
            to get back to full fitness        amazing job raising them.         Aussies with tails – a big
            to be able to show more                                              topic last years because more
            than one dog again. All of         Since being involved in the       and more countries give a
            the grooming of our team           breed I have bred 11 litters (3   ban for docking tails. Can you
            is done by Dominic. We are         have been co-bred), I have a      explain to our readers how it
            very lucky to have some            couple of litters planned for     is in Australia with tails and
            sensational, owners, co-           2024 that I am very excited       docking?
            owners and friends help to         about. I have matings planned     Docking of tails was banned
            campaign our dogs.                 from both Jack and frozen         in Australia many years
                                               semen from dogs that haven’t      ago, it was done by state
            We do not have professional        been used in Australia to date.   governments one at a time.
            handlers as such showing
            our dogs. We are very lucky        At what age(s) do you
            to work with Plush Puppy           evaluate your puppies to
            Australia as Coat Specialists      show potential?
            and find their products to be      I start evaluating puppies
            by far the best for maintaining    once they are on
            an Aussies coat and                their feet and their
            presenting them at their best      footfall can be
            at shows.                          assessed I am not                Australian shows are
                                               really a fan of            held all over the country
            What do you like the most          stacking and
            on breeding Aussies? And           evaluating                      not just in the capital
            how many litters you have          puppies.                     cities so you get to visit
            bred so far?
            My most favourite part of                            many regional spots to attend
            breeding is researching                             shows. These show circuits are
            pedigrees and looking at
            genetics, I like to look at what                     great for smaller communities
            is being produced in the US                        because of how much money it
            from dogs with similar lines
            to what I am playing with                     generates for the local economies.
            in Australia and try to do
            breedings with pedigrees and
            dogs that are complimentary.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  97
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