Page 126 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 126


         What is the best part of being
         a photographer?
         The best part of being a
         photographer is that I get to use
         my creativity to create eternal
         memories of beloved pets for
         their owners, that they can
         cherish for many years to come.
         It also opens doors, allowing
         me to become acquainted
         with people who have similar
         interests. These connections are
         magical, as we can lean on each
         other for advice, tips, and tricks.
         Photography is in a never-
         ending development with new
         technology and techniques,
         which both challenge and
         inspire me within photography
         and editing.

                                                                              “stay”, as well as some fun
                                                                              tricks like “sit pretty”, “wave”,
                                                                              “shame”, “chin down”, and
                                                                              “howl”. The latter one is one of
                                                                              my favourites, along with shots
                                                                              while the dogs are moving,
                                                                              either trotting, running, or
                                                                              jumping. To get their attention, I
                                                                              use treats, toys or funny sounds.
                                                                              Some of my go-to sounds are
                                                                              bird sounds, car alarms and the
                                                                              melody of ice cream trucks.

                                                                              Describe a typical session
                                                                              for us. What kinds of things
                                                                              are you thinking about when
          Where do you find                 How do you get the animals        you're behind the camera?
          inspiration?                      to stay and "pose" for            Every session is different,
          I find most of my inspiration     you? Do you consider it a         depending on what we aim
          online on Instagram, Facebook     challenging job?                  for. We usually start a typical
          or Youtube. I also do a bit       No, it is surprisingly easy. My   session by travelling to the
          of research on how other          fiancée does all the hard work    desired location, where we
          photographers work, what          training Kenda and Diego,         get to know the area a bit.
          techniques they use and           so they come as groomed,          I’ll let the dogs sniff, while I
          then try them out myself.         well-behaved and trained          have a quick look around. I’ll
          The results vary, but it          models for the photoshoots.       be thinking about where the
          always helps me evolve as a       They know the standard tricks     light is entering and potential
          photographer.                     such as “sit”, “lie down”, and    backgrounds, as well as what

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