Page 128 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 128


          These are mainly action           different, but all seem to know   Are there other dog
          shots, so the shutter speed       exactly when they are about       photographers that inspire or
          is key in order to get sharp,     to have their picture taken       influence you? If not, who or
          high-quality photos. Once         and know the right pose to        what does?
          I’ve fixed the correct settings,   take for the camera. However,    I follow a lot of dog
          I’ll put my headphones in and     what separates and elevates       photographer on Instagram
          enjoy the day.                    the Aussie is their personality,   that inspire me, including
                                            which often can be captured       smileaboutecho, kian_aus,
          What are your favourite           and reflected in the photo.       marlenmansfeld, amieaussie,
          shoots? Action, Agility, Show                                       aussie.baloo, aussiekiba,
          Ring, litters etc.                Do you like to photograph         bartiltheaussieboi and so many
          Puppies are adorable,             other subjects apart from         more. These accounts inspire
          but I’ll have to say              Dogs?                             me because their photos are
          action photography and            I love photographing different    great, really creative and
          videography. The shots are        subjects, and every time I learn   they have their own unique
          so versatile, and especially      something new and develop         style! I’ve challenged other
          the videos capture great          as a photographer. I’ve got a     Instagram accounts to edit
          moments between the               lot of practice photographing     one or two of my raw photos,
          handler and the dog.              dogs now, but I also like taking   which also is a great source
                                            photos of people, athletes, and   of inspiration. It allows me to
          Are Aussies in your opinion       landscapes. Going forward, I’d    get to know new people, give
          is most photogenic breed?         like to focus more on studio      me insight into their work and
          Yes, but I also like              photography and the use of        gather ideas for the future.
          photographing breeds like the     flash while taking photos of
          Afghan hound and Dalmatian.       animals, dogs and possibly        Is there any advice you
          These breeds are quite            products.                         would give to aspiring
                                                                              Photograph and edit a lot, try
                                                                              different lighting and angles,
                                                                              capture what you love and
                                                                              dare to ask for advice! I still ask
                                                                              for advice from others because
                                                                              evolvement never stops.

                                                                              Would you like to add

                                                                              Be yourself and dare to do
                                                                              your own thing!
                                                                              I’d also like to thank the Aussie
                                                                              Magazine for inviting me,
                                                                              as well as a couple of other
                                                                              important people, without
                                                                              them I wouldn’t be where I am
                                                                              today. First and foremost, my
                                                                              fiancée Essi Kivelä. Also, Tan
                                                                              Vuong, Tuukka Taiminen, Sonja
                                                                              Löfgren, Tiia Tahvanainen, Kine
                                                                              Therese Bøe and the whole
                                                                              Aussie community.

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