Page 152 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 152


                                     ASSISTANCE DOG -

                                     AUSSIE AS AN



          Text written by: Zdenka Koldova, LIFE BOND kennel
          Photographs provided by: M. Tobolova & R. Cervenka & S. Kristianova & E. Jedelsky

                                            HISTORY                           Chinese scroll paintings from
                                                                              the Middle Ages depict similar
                                            Prehistoric humans began          scenes.
                                            taming wolves at least 15,000
                                            years ago, transforming           In the 1750s, the earliest
                                            dangerous pack predators          systematic instruction of
                                            into loyal companions and         guide dogs, as helpers of the
                                            creating specialized dog
                                            breeds for different tasks. (In   visually impaired are known,
                                            another version of this story,    took place in a Paris hospital
                                            wolves engineered their own       for the blind. Several decades
                                            domestication after tasting       later, a blind Austrian man
                                            the bounty of campsite living.)   named Josef Reisinger trained
                                            But when exactly man’s best       a spitz and later a poodle
           Assistance dogs                  friend became an aide to          so well that others thought
           are highly trained               people with disabilities and      he was faking his disability.
                                                                              Another Austrian, Johann
                                            other challenges remains a
           to support                       mystery.                          Wilhelm Klein, founder of the
           disabled people                                                    Institute for the Training of
           and people                       The earliest evidence of such     the Blind in Vienna, published
                                                                              one of the first manuals for
                                            partnerships—a fresco in
           with medical                     which a blind man is led by       coaching guide dogs in 1819.
           conditions in a                  his dog, discovered amid the      He recommended poodles
           variety of ways.                 ruins of the ancient Roman        and shepherds as the breeds
                                                                              most suited to the task and
                                            city Herculaneum—dates
                                            back to the first century A.D.    advocated the use of a special
                                            European wood carvings and        harness paired with a pole.

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