Page 154 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 154


         Definition                         The Australian Shepherd           being a partner to a person,
                                            is one of the most athletic,      and love to please. They are an
         The definition of a service        versatile breeds out there,       excellent choice as a service
         dog is “dogs that are              and this is what makes them a     dog or an assistance dog due
         individually trained to do         great service dog of all types.   to their great temperament,
         work or perform tasks for          They are highly intelligent,      loyalty, intelligence and
         people with disabilities.” This    love being a part of a team or    athleticism.
         is a very broad definition,
         but the bottom line is service
         dogs help people with
         disabilities accomplish tasks                                 TYPES
         they otherwise couldn’t. They
         undergo vigorous training
         and are not household pets,        There are many different          with vision loss navigate the
         but rather working dogs.           types of assistance dogs for      world. A guide dog will help
         Dogs that are individually         different disabilities. While     their handler avoid obstacles,
         trained to do work or              some disorders are physical,      open doors, maintain a steady
         perform tasks for people           some are mental. Service          piece, board public transport,
         with disabilities. Examples        dogs help their handlers with     etc. These are the oldest forms
         of such work or tasks include      many things and work a very       of service dogs, and date back
         guiding people who are blind,      important job. There are a few    to Pompeii, where illustrations
         alerting people who are            different types we will discuss   show a blind man being led by
         deaf, pulling a wheelchair,        in this article.                  a dog.
         alerting and protecting a
         person who is having a             SERVICE DOG: A service            HEARING DOGS: These
         seizure, alerting owners to        dog is the most common            intelligent dogs assist their
         a panic attack, reminding a        type and is the broadest          deaf handlers with sounds they
         person with mental illness to      category. A service animal        cannot hear. They are trained to
         take prescribed medications,       can help with many things,        help their owners receive vital
         calming a person with Post         but in this category, it is most   cues of sounds they cannot hear
         Traumatic Stress Disorder          often pups offering assistance    themselves. These cues include
         (PTSD) during an anxiety           with physical disabilities or     smoke or fire alarms, doorbells,
         attack, or performing other        impairments.                      door knocking, phones, alarm
         duties.                                                              clocks, and even the person’s
                                            GUIDE DOGS: These dogs            name. They will guide their
         Aussies                            are also known as seeing-         owner to the sound or to safety,
                                            eye-dogs and help people          depending on the situation.
         Australian Shepherds are
         consistently one of the most
         popular breeds, especially
         in recent years. This breed
         began solely as sheep
         herders, but they’ve now
         been used in many ways.
         They are not only working
         dogs but are also used as
         search and rescue dogs,
         therapy dogs, partners for
         a veteran, part of canine
         frisbee teams, and, of course,
         beloved pets.

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