Page 27 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 27

Complementary Traits

            Not every proven stud is right
            for your female. As I hope we
            all already know, no dog is
            perfect. All dogs have flaws.
            The mating pair you will use
            as future parents of your
            puppies should be balanced
            and complement each other.
            This doesn't mean that we try
            to balance two dogs with two
            opposite flaws, hoping to get
            a correct trait out of it. This is
            nonsense. Two wrongs don't
            make a right. We don't mate
            a straight rear with an over
            angulated, expecting to obtain
            correct rear angulations. The
            results will be disastrous.

            Every owner should know well
            the flaws of his or her female
            and make a list of the three
            significant flaws that need to be
            corrected or at least improved       Long Term Breeding Plan
            through mating. If these flaws
            are more than three, maybe you       Ideally, we do not mate our female just for the sake of it. A
            should reconsider using that         mating should be a step towards a future goal, a piece in a
            female in breeding altogether...     long term breeding plan, a way of obtaining a quality litter that
                                                 will help us move forward. A serious breeder should know
                                                 the breeding role and purpose of the upcoming puppies even
            Let's say, for example, that
            your female lacks in expression      before their parents were mated.
            (that would mean shape or            Stud's Owner
            position of the eyes) and has
            a high rear (maybe due to            You have found the stud that on paper seems to be the
            insufficient back angulations        ideal match for your bitch. He is typical, healthy, correct
            or to a faulty inclination of the    breed temperament, beautiful pedigree, complementing
            croup). The male for her would       your female in the right way. The final step and maybe the
            definitely not be a male with        most delicate one is reaching out to the stud's owner. Some
            straight croup or exaggerated        owners are reluctant to breed their males to any female, so be
            back angulations, but, ideally,      well prepared to present your breeding plan, your thorough
            a male with typical expression       insight on why this pair should be successful and produce
            (correct almond-like shaped          typical offspring. Also be prepared for a considerable stud
            eyes) and with correct topline       fee, because most breeders will not stud their males for small
            (slightly inclined croup, correct    change or in exchange of a puppy. Don't hesitate to ask the
            angulations and correct tail         owner of the male about the reproduction ability of the dog,
            set). A breeder can improve          about his strengths and weaknesses and, ideally, take the time
            a fault in a female only by          to make a trip and see the male live, before doing the actual
            using in mating a male with a        mating. Sometimes pictures do not speak a thousand words.
            corresponding CORRECT trait.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  27
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