Page 32 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 32


          Have you also experienced
          breeding another breed(s)?
          What do you like the most
          about breeding Aussies?
          Yes, I tried to breed Finnish
          Lapponian dogs, but I never
          felt the same passion burning
          inside me as with Aussies.
          So, the experience went short
          because I lacked the interest.
          There was no point in breeding
          dogs I felt nothing about.

          At what age(s) do you
          evaluate your puppies to          regarding about substance and     concerned about the quality of
          show potential?                   undercoat quality. The second     the undercoat. I believe this trait
          For me, evaluating future show    evaluation is made at 8 weeks.    is largely influenced by genetics
                                            At this point, I will only keep
                                                                              and I never keep a puppy that
          prospects is a 3 parts process.   the puppies who have kept a       lacks undercoat as it is very
                                            nice conformation and are easy    difficult to improve this later on.
          I make a first selection at 6     movers.
          weeks of age. I groom every                                         Do you groom and train your
          puppy and have them stacked.      I also assess temperaments at     dogs by yourself, or do you
          It’s very important to me that    this point. I put aside puppies   have somebody who helps
          the puppy stacks easily as it     with too much sensibility and     you?
          means that conformation is        the ones that could be too
          sound.                            hyper.                            I am a hairdresser, so naturally,
                                                                              grooming seems easy to me,
          Once conformation is              The last evaluation comes         and I really love it. I don’t have
          approved, I’m then very                                             any particular secret but I can
                                            with dental x-rays and an         say I am precise and thorough
                                            assessment of attitude. Some      with it. It is important to me to
                                            puppies will never be put on a    use high-quality products and
                                            ring because they don’t show      to keep my show dogs in great
                                            themselves.                       condition. I’ve been currently
                                                                              using the brand Be Love for the
                                            I like to have a real relationship   last three years and am very
                                            with my show dogs in the          satisfied with the results.
                                            ring. That’s why I have great
                                            difficulty entrusting them to     Is there anything you would
                                            other handlers, especially when   like to add?
                                            I’m present at the show. It’s     Thank you for giving me this
                                            vital to me that the dog enjoys   opportunity. I enjoyed sharing
                                            himself with me in the ring.      my story with you.

                                            Your dogs always look so          On behalf of the Australian
                                            fluffy and well-groomed.          Shepherd Magazine and our
                                            What is your secret to keep       readers, we would like to thank
                                            them in such a great shape?       you for this interview and also
                                            When looking at a puppy as        for everything you do for our
                                            a future prospect, I’m very       amazing breed.

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