Page 46 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 46


          Today, I would like to tell
          you more about Bikejoring,
          which was also one of
          your sugestions sent by
          email. If you've ever heard
          of Skijoring, you will know
          the basic premises of what
          Bikejoring is. However, if
          you have never heard of any
          kind of "joring" there is no
          need to worry! Basically, all it
          requires is hooking your dog
          up to either yourself or some
          other form of vehicle (such
          as a bike in this case) and
          you set off down the road.
          While Skijoring is a winter
          sport that involves skis and
          snow, Bikejoring is great for
          pretty much any other kind of
          weather- from sunny to rainy.

          While being a super great
          workout for your pup, you
          don't have to work hard at
          all unless you decide to take
          the more difficult roads with
          many hills and obstacles. No
          matter which path you decide
          to take, there is no doubt that
          your Aussie will be able to
          keep up without a problem         Bikejoring and canicross          some sort of shock absorption,
          and enjoy it the entire time! All   probably developed from         usually a spring. Some of these
          you really need to get started    skijoring and dogsled racing.     side attachments can be fitted
          with bickering is a bike; no      Bikejoring is also sometimes      on either side of a bicycle so
          need for it to be fancy, but if   used to train racing sledgedogs   that two dogs can be exercised
          you are going long distances,     out of season. An easier and      at the same time. Examples of
          gears may be required. For        maybe safer alternative to        these dog-bicycle attachments
          your pup, you will need good      bikejoring or dog-scootering,     are the WalkyDog, Springer,
          equipment to ensure that they     especially for use in urban       bikejor converter and, more
          are safe and won't be injured.    and built-up areas, is to         recently, the bikejoring
          This can be accomplished          attach a dog to the side of       attachment.
          with a Bikejoring harness and     a bicycle using a number
          towline that then connects to     of designed dog-bicycle           When it comes to any activity
          your bike. Once you have this     attachments. However, these       that requires equipment, it is
          equipment, you'll be ready to     side attachments are designed     always so important to make
          begin the activity. Just be sure   to allow a dog to run beside     sure that the equipment is
          to have water on hand in case     a bicycle, rather than to pull it   ready to function at its full
          it is a hot day and your dog      from ahead. These dog-bike        potential. Any loose or worn
          needs a drink!                    attachments usually include       parts may cause an accident

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