Page 47 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 47

Use the proper
                                                                                  fullbody harness in

                                                                          order to keep your dog's
                                                                                throat free from any

                                                                   pressure as he pulls the bike.

            that will injure both you and
            your dog. Go over your bike
            carefully to double-check that
            your chain is not rusty and that
            it is properly attached to the     to in front of it. This may be    Now that both the bike and
            bike. Check the tire pressure      a good option for a beginner      your dog have been properly
            and air up any that may be a       or if you are riding along busy   prepared, you can begin your
            bit too low.                       streets. Whichever method         Bikejoring adventure! Take it
                                               you are using, attach your dog    slow at first and allow time
            Once the bike is safe and          to the bike with the proper       for a warmup. After that, it
            ready to go, it is time to get     tow line and check that there     is totally up to you and your
            your pup harnessed up! Use         are no knots or tears that may    dog how long the fun lasts.
            the proper full-body harness       cause it to fail. Training off the   Remember that especially in
            in order to keep your dog's        bike may be necessary at first    warmer weather, your pup may
            throat free from any pressure      to ensure that your dog knows     need more breaks for water
            as he pulls the bike. Some         how to behave while they are      and perhaps some shade.
            Bikejoring equipment has a         being hooked up to your bike.     Enjoy the time and know that
            tool that allows the dog to run    It may take a bit of time, but    once it's over, you'll both be
            beside the bike as opposed         they'll catch on quickly!         ready for a good nap!

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  47
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