Page 87 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 87

When it comes to
                                                                              dealing with Brucella,

            puppies. Pregnant dogs that                                        prevention is the key.
            develop canine herpes in the
            last few weeks of pregnancy
            can experience stillbirth.
            They can also pass herpes
            to the litter before or during
            birth. Dog herpes is serious       of three weeks, herpes can        needs a colder body
            for puppies and can result in      develop into a lung infection     temperature to replicate,
            death and litter loss.             and then into pneumonia.          but after three weeks
                                               This is serious since puppies'    puppies start to regulate
            Canine herpes in puppies           immune systems aren't             their body temperature on
            usually develops in two            strong. The infection can         their own. This means they
            different ways. If the puppies     cause brain damage or             may be better able to fight
            are infected after the age         blindness. Herpes virus           off the virus.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  87
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