Page 92 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 92


                                                                              18 and aging out of juniors I
                                                                              helped many kennels. I had
                                                                              Aussies visit when I was
                                                                              showing them and my family as
                                                                              a whole fell in love with them.
                                                                              In temperament the breeds are
                                                                  Jack BISS
                                                                              somewhat similar, to an extent,
                                                                              both breeds are incredibly
          2023 was a very full on year      months old back in 1993.          loving, active and all the desire
          with a lot of concentration put   To date over 100 Dapsen           to please their humans. One of
          into campaigning Jack for his     Cavalier Champions have been      the things that lead to my first
          final full time year, in 2024 we   bred. There has been over        Aussie coming home was I lost
          hope to have a better balance     20 different All Breed Best       a Cavalier to a very rare kidney
          of dog and non-dog activities     In Show winners, as well as       disease and was heartbroken
          on our weekends.                  countless Specialty CC and BIS    and wanted a new breed to
                                            winners in Australia and also     play with rather than showing
          Before Aussies you have had       abroad. I had handled many        another Cav so soon.
          Cavaliers. Why have you           breeds in Junior Handlers as
          decided for two such different    a child which included many       Your first Aussie came to
          breeds?                           Australian Shepherds and they     your family in 2015, so let me
          My mum bought her first           quickly became my favourite       say you are quiet new in the
          Cavalier when I was eighteen      breed for Juniors. After turning   breed. Can you tell us who

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