Page 56 - JRT Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 56


          Dog tricks and stunts have entertained humans for years at vaudevilles,
          festivals, movies and more. We humans are drawn to watching dogs perform.

          The world of trick dog has expanded by leaps and bounds over the last 3 years
          with online trick titles pushing to the forefront when “Stay at Home” became
          the norm during COVID19; virtual dog training took off.



          A new American Kennel Club title involves
          teaching your dog some tricks!

          Kelli Whitfield, Tennessee, USA

          Kyra Sundance started offering trick dog titles with   fitness.  Students  work  with  Certified  Trick  Dog
          her ‘Do More With Your Dog’ (DMWYD) program        Instructors  (CTDI)  who help  coach  the  animal
          in 2005. Sundance, who has a background in dog     team to learn tricks and earn their titles either
          obedience and animal wrangling for movies, saw     in  person or  virtually. Sundance’s  program was
          the value in teaching tricks because it was fun and   the  first  organization  to  offer  trick  titles  as  well
          engaging for both the handler and the dog. It’s    as an accompaniment of trick training books
          hard to frown when you are teaching your dog to    with step-by-step instructions and photos. The
          dance, roll over, or sing! The relationship created   DMWYD program offers the largest database of
          between the dog and handler leads to a better      tricks for all levels Novice (NTD) through Grand
          bond through fun games.                            Champion (TDGCH) with video examples of each
                                                             trick. DMWYD is an international company that
          The DMYWD program has grown from a simple          offers trick titles anywhere in the world!  More
          trick program into something much grander, now     information about the DMWYD program can be
          offering titles in tricks, fitness, stunt dog, animal   found on their website:
          acting, and Trick Dog Register of Merit (ROM), as
          well as some fun specialty titles in both tricks and

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