Page 151 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 151
Because a kennel-blind breeder can become "blind" to serious faults and
health defects in their dogs, these problems may become fixed in a couple
of generations. Unless quickly diagnosed and treated, kennel blindness can
lead to the demise of a successful breeding program.
Fortunately, most common symptoms of kennel blindness are easy to
spot. Following are three of the most pervasive symptoms:
An inability to see and appreciate the good qualities in a
1. competitor's dogs.
A dog breeder's knowledgeable
use of genetic principles is of Kennel blind breeders tend to focus on negative features in dogs oth-
paramount importance to the er than their own.
success of a breeding program. Suggestion: Re-read your breed's standard keeping in mind that most
But an all-too-common phenom- standards delineate the essential aspects of a breed, allowing breeders
enon known as kennel blindness the freedom to express their own concepts of the non-essentials. In
can stop some breeding programs this way a range of excellence may be produced in a breed without
dead in their tracks. Most works sacrificing each dog's ability to fit into the standard.
on dog breeding devote relative-
ly little space to the concept of 2. The belief that you have bred the "perfect" dog.
kennel blindness, although the No "perfect" dog has ever or will ever be bred in any breed. Even
seriousness of this "breeder de- your best can always be improved upon.
fect" and the lasting harm it can
have on breeding success merit a Suggestion: Realize that your concept of what is ideal may change.
closer look. Experience with a breed may gradually change the priority a breeder
gives to certain features. A stickler for correct heads may gradually
Found in many purebred dog start emphasizing angulations and movement, realizing that the latter
kennels, kennel blindness is a are also essential aspects of the breed.
"disease" that results in breeders'
inability or refusal to admit to the Blaming the fact that your dog is not winning on bad judg-
failings in their own lines of dogs, 3. ing, politics or anything except the possibility that there
whether they relate to conforma- may be something wrong with your dog.
tion traits described in the AKC Kennel blind people always have an excuse for why their dog didn't
breed standards, behavior or ge-
netic disease. Kennel-blind breed- win. While some of their reasoning may be legitimate, consistently
ers are given to justifying the dogs losing under a variety of judges, usually means a dog does not fit the
they breed by developing warped standard in one or more important aspects.
and unrealistic interpretations of Suggestion: If your dog is not winning, ask several knowledgeable
their breed's standard, said Ann people to evaluate your dog. Tell them to be honest and listen with
Seranne in her book, The Joy of- an open mind.
Breeding Your Own Show Dog.
A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 1/2023