Page 152 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 152
Kennel blindness is more apt to be a problem for the following:
Breeder who do not have an Breeders working with a small not to improve the breed, but be-
'eye' for a dog; number of dogs. cause they love his personality and
want more puppies just like him.
Some Breeders are simply not Because small breeders have less
born with an 'eye' for a dog. De- to choose from, they may not want
spite having read and studied their to open their eyes to problems in Breeders who have produced
breed's standard, they are incapa- their breeding program. quality animals in the past but are
ble of correctly evaluating struc-
ture and movement. now struggling to stay on top;
Novice breeders who are Many successful breeders who
strongly affected by a dog's have had past super stars are
Breeders whose every waking mo- temperament and personality; usually looking for their next big
ment revolves around dogs;
Many kennel blind people think winner. They may be more prone
Making dogs a “live or die” situa- all puppies are cute. These owners to over-looking faults in their
tion can affect objectivity. usually decide to breed their dog, animals.
152 A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 1/2023