Page 113 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 113

            Crufts is named after its founder Charles Cruft. In
            1876, a young Charles left college with no desire
            to join the family jewellery business. Instead he
            took  employment  with  James  Spratt  who  had
            set up a new venture in Holborn, London selling
            'dog  cakes'.  Charles  Cruft  was  ambitious  and  a
            relatively  short  apprenticeship  as  an  office  boy
            led  to  a  promotion  to  travelling  salesman.  This
            brought him into contact with large estates and
            sporting  kennels.  His  next  career  move  with
            Spratts  saw  him  travelling  to  Europe  and  here
            in  1878,  French  dog  breeders,  perhaps  seeing
            entrepreneurial  talents  in  Cruft,  invited  him  to
            organise the promotion of the canine section of
            the Paris Exhibition. He was still just two years
            out of college. Back in England in 1886 he took
            up  the  management  of  the  Allied  Terrier  Club
            Show at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster. It was
            in 1891 that the first Cruft's show was booked
            into the Royal Agricultural Hall in Islington with
            2437 entries and 36 breeds and it has evolved
            and grown ever since.

            The first Best in Show competition was in 1928,
            when Greyhound Primley Sceptre was crowned
            the first Best in Show champion. Since then, there
            have  been  78  Best  in  Show  winners,  with  43
            different breeds taking home the trophy. One and
            only aussie BIS winner was in 2006 handsome
            bluemerle  boy  Chance  -  Caitland  Isle  Take  a
            Chance  who  arrived  from  California,  USA  with
            his owner Nancy Resetar and handler was Larry
            Fenner. You can find out more about “Chance” in
            another article in this magazine – Legends.

            2001 was the first year for Australian shepherds
            at  Crufts  and  BOB  winner  between  20  entries
            was male CH TRI-IVORY MOJO FLAIR aka Mojo,
            imported from USA. This year the Show was later    both BOB´s he was group placement what make
            in the year due to the foot and mouth outbreak in   him  the  most  successful  Aussie  at  Crufts.  Bitta
            the U.K. Ten years after there were 160 Aussies    did three times BOB in Aussies and always also
            entered, interesting how popularity was growing.   group placing. But probably the most successful
            Very unique success have had in 2008 Mrs Bitta     handler  is  Mrs  Melanie  Raymond  (Spavin)  who
            Wöhliche  from  Denmark.  She  won  dog  CC  &     won four times BOB at Crufts with three different
            bitch CC for father – daughter, so her dogs took it   dogs.  Interview  with  Mel  you  can  find  in  this
            all! Her male Thornapple After Shock won twice     magazine. Here is the list of Aussie´s BEST OF
            BOB and three times dog CC at Crufts – and with    BREED winners over the years:

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