Page 115 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 115

ahead with our breeding project!!  Another of the   managed to get to Boston show, despite the fact she
            best joys was seeing Queen crazy with joy with her   only got home from hospital in the early hours of this
            excellent temperament and completely at ease in    morning. She made it into the ring with her sweet
            the ring in perfect harmony with her handler Artur!   natured puppy, Echo, and qualified for Crufts 2023!
            Queen was born to compete and we would like to     Since this day Claire Church organized a donation
            thank her handler for the great work done on her   for this cute duo and people shared it on Facebook
            as she is a difficult dog to exhibit due to her great
            exuberance but despite this Queen and Artur were   all over the World. Finally £4,246 raised of £300
            IMPECCABLE and COZY on the Green Carpet!  We       goal and this dream came true - Freya Harris, from
            will always remember this moment and the call      Horncastle,  and  her  nine-month-old  dog  Echo
            with  Artur  in  which  we  were  overwhelmed  by   wowed the judge as they competed in the puppy
            emotions!”.                                        bitch  class  and  claimed  the  reserve  rosette.  And
                                                               after  dazzling  on  the  NEC  Birmingham’s  famous
            No love for Queen in Pastoral group but Aussies are   green carpet, she said: “It was amazing to finish in
            very popular in the Group. Even in very first year for   second place. I was expecting to finish last place and
            Aussies  Mojo  was  shortlisted.  Year  after  Lorenzo
            became Group 2nd and throw history there were      even then I would have been so happy, but there is
            three Group winners and one BIS winner.            me getting second place. I nearly cried in the ring. I
                                                               feel very proud of myself & Echo”.
            Freya & Echo
            Meet Freya, she’s just turned 8yrs of age. In March   Don’t forget – dream big!
            last year she watched Crufts on TV and decided she
            wanted to go to Crufts as a handler. But she was too
            weak to walk, as she’s been fighting stage 4 Wilm’s
            tumour since December 2021. In January 2023 she

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  115
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