Page 79 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 79

                                                                    • good brush (slicker dog brush)
                                                                    • thinning shears (scissors with teeth
                                                                    on one knife, I prefer 42-46 teeth,
                                                                    over regular shears as they are more
                                                                    forgiving and leave a more natural look
                                                                    • comb (single row)
                                                                    • undercoat rake (10-14 teeth)
                                                                    • dryer

                                                                    • top quality dog cosmetics

            Always use products for dogs. Human skin has a     are insoluble in water and in some cases can be
            normal pH balance of 5.5-5.6, which is on the acidic   very damaging to the coat. It is up to each of us
            side. Dogs, on the other hand, have a normal pH    what we are willing to use on ourselves or our
            balance of 6.2-7.4, which is more neutral. Using a   Aussie. A simple example - if I bathe my dog in
            human shampoo on dogs disrupts the acid mantle,    products that dry out my hands, I throw them in
            leaving your dog vulnerable to parasites, viruses,                the trash. A dog's skin is 6 times
            and  bacteria.  When  you  are  looking  for  good                      thinner than a human's and
            cosmetics,  always  remember  that  product                                 what causes a problem
            composition is very important and if the                                       to me it will definitely
            producer not publish it, something bad                                           hurt my dog.
            is  hidden  here.  The  ingredient  that
            is controversial are silicones. There
            is an abundance of these and they
            are  divided  into  soluble,  partially
            insoluble  and  insoluble  in  water.
            If  cosmetics  contain  insoluble
            silicone, it is usually written on the
            product  that  it  is  necessary  to  use
            a  deep  cleaning  shampoo  or  detox
            shampoo once every few baths, which
            will  rid  the  structure  of  residues  (for                                     Always use
            me,  they  are  counterproductive  cosmetics
            and  they  unnecessarily  burden  the  fur).  It  is                   products for dogs.
            also  important  to  know  that  not  only  silicone   A dog's skin is 6 times thinner
            is insoluble in water, but at first glance they
            are  also  natural  ingredients  that  have                 than a human's and what
            the  same  effect  as  the  just  mentioned          causes a problem to me it will
            insoluble  silicone  and  they  are  keratin
            and lanolin. Both of these components                            definitely hurt my dog.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  79
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