Page 81 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 81

                                                               Again  remember,  that  everything  should  look
                                                               natural on Aussie. To trim the feet, gently brush
                                                               from  toes  toward  the  leg  with  a  slicker  brush
                                                               then with your shears, trim the hair that sticks out
                                                               above the foot.  Follow by trimming the longer
                                                               hairs  around  the  foot  and  even  the  pads.  (for
                                                               pads, I prefer using clippers but if using shears,
                                                               be very careful not to cut the pads of the foot.
                                                               Using your shears trim a straight line across the
                                                               end of the tail, only trimming the excess length
                                                               to neaten. Brush the coat on the ear to one side
                                                               and trim about ¼” from edge then brush to the
                                                               other side doing the same.  Now, brush upward
                                                               and  gently  trim  excess  to  blend  with  the  head.
                                                               Ears  in  particular  are  best  done  with  thinning
                                                               shears. Be sure to clean ears regularly, especially
                                                               after bathing or swimming. Ear cleaner labelled
                                                               for dogs on a cotton ball and use to gently wipe
                                                               out the ear is all you need. While the legs can and
                                                               often are left natural, many people choose to trim
            PROFFESIONAL                                       the fringe on the front legs. To trim the front legs,

            Regular care is the key for top quality coat. Top   pull the leg out in front of the dog and level with
                                                               the ground and carefully trim about 1/3 – ½ of
            groomers in the world recommend bath and dry       the fringe, then let go, brush again and neaten up
            your Aussie every 7-10 day if you want to have     from a natural position.  Hocks should be left long
            perfect coat for shows. Having access to a high    but can be neatened with shears.
            velocity  dryer  can  save  you  tons  of  time  and
            work maintaining an Aussie coat. Course HOW
            you use the dryer can be the difference between
            saving  you  time  or  increasing  your  time.  When
            using  a  HV  dryer,  the  most  important  key  is  to   SPECIAL TIPS
            pay attention to direction and distance.  You want     • Powder – Use powder for paws. Not to
            to blow the coat in the direction you wish it to lay   make your dog more “clean” or white, but
            and you want to hold the end as close to the body      powder gives more volume to short hairs
            as you can WITHOUT CAUSING THE ENDS OF                 on paws and legs.
            THE COAT TO WHIP AROUND AND CURL UP.                   • Towel – Wet towel will help you with
            Rapidly moving the dryer back and forth around         waves on the top line.
            the  entire  body  will  often  increase  the  time
            needed. Drying the coat without properly either        • Water – Clean water in spray used a bit
            brushing  or  blowing  out  the  undercoat  causes     just before you enter the show ring will
            the undercoat and any tangled dead hair to shrink      make more volume on the coat.
            and  makes  matts  tighter  and  more  difficult  to   Don´t forget: Practice makes perfect, so
            remove. It also causes the coat to lie in curls or     let’s try and try.
            waves which are not as effective in sloughing off
            debris picked up.

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                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  81
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