Page 112 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 112
How can we as breeders Perspective shape rather than their abilities in
resist the temptation the field.” Clever marketers who
toward exaggeration? Dogs breeds are not an were not interested in preserving
Think about why the breed the functional capabilities of the
standard was written as it is Since the advent of the breeds saw an opportunity to
and the practical applications. dog-human bond, humans raise the value of top winning
For example, dogs with have selectively bred dogs dogs, their stud fees, and their
excess rear angulation and a for specific purposes: puppies. Winning dog shows
sloping topline are winning hunting, guarding, herding, became the priority for many
in the show ring now. Many etc. The most talented breeders and functionality became
people want to win, see that and capable males and less important. Breeds were
dog winning, then breed for females were crossed changing to serve these desires.
those traits, which creates a and the puppies who had
trend; newer people believe more of the desired traits Reality check
that is normal for the breed. were kept to produce the Dog breeds evolve to suit the
particular desires of humans.
Human desires change. Early
ancestors of Australian Shepherds
were recorded in the late 1800s.
During the 1900s there was
much interbreeding with other
strains of herding dogs to produce
desired herding characteristics. As
the traits of these dogs became
clearly defined, the Australian
Shepherd breed was born. In
1957—just over 60 years ago—
the first Aussie was registered
by the Australian Shepherd Club
of America and in 1958 ASCA
held its first dog show—where
entrants were judged on their
appearance rather than their
The next generation of next generation. Over time ability to herd livestock.
puppies may have even more those traits were set firmly
exaggerated angulation which and specialized breeds were As people discovered this new
then becomes fashionable. created, based on a functional breed, they realized that many of
However, when some of purpose. the traits which were developed
those puppies are sold to From function to fashion to for herding transfered perfectly to
“performance” people, the dog commerce. dog sports, and Aussie fanciers
might break down physically, enthusiastically jumped into
perhaps suffer an ACL rupture, The first modern dog show canine sport competitions. Now
because excess angulation was held in England in 1859— there are breeders who selectively
is useful for winning shows, only 160 years ago—and breed Aussies for these sports,
but not for functioning in dog shows rapidly became not for conformation shows or
the real world. The same is fashionable. There was herding. And so the evolution of
true for sweeping sidegait, controversy at that very first the Australian Shepherd breed
blocky heads, and other show because dogs were continues, adapting to new and
exaggerations in structure. assessed on their “look and different human desires.
112 | A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 3/2024