Page 108 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 108


          THE REASON WHY



          Text written by: Andrew H. Brace, Adapted for Australian Shepherds by: Paula McDermid

                                            How do changes come about?        invariably that “something”
                                            They begin with the breeder       tends to be an exaggeration
                                            who produces a litter that gets   of some kind or another... too
          “I wonder how often we—           to an age where the puppies       long a neck, too short a back,
          as breeders, exhibitors or        need to be evaluated. The         too refined or overtyped a head,
          judges—stop to consider how       breeder who fully understands     excessive rear angulation …
          easily we become accustomed       his breed is looking at           and here is where the danger
          to changes within a breed?”       every puppy in terms of the       lies. The totally steeped-in-
          In some cases these changes       Breed Standard and what is        the-breed breeder will see this
          can actually become so            correct for the breed. In most    exaggeration for what it is and
          engrained in a breed that they    breeds “moderation” is a          will discard the guilty puppy
          are elevated to the level of      requirement that is desirable     as being alien to correct type.
          desired characteristics, even     in many aspects, and it is the    Many others, possibly less
          though they might be quite        consistency of moderation         experienced and less committed
          alien to typical and necessary,   throughout any animal that        to THE BREED, however, will be
          and actually at odds to the       will contribute significantly to   realistic enough to acknowledge
          relevant Breed Standard. It       its balance, and the impression   that the exaggeration, which
          is generally the case that        that everything fits and flows.   is constantly catching his eye,
          such changes begin with                                             will also catch the eye of the
          dogs shown by well-known          However, occasionally there       judge when the dog hits the
          exhibitors or handlers, as these   will be a puppy who has          show ring. And so the puppy
          so often set the benchmark        something about it that           is kept, nurtured, schooled and
          that others gladly follow.        always catches the eye, and       groomed.

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