Page 155 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 155

Australian Shepherds
                                                                         are are not only a working

                                                                               dog, but are also used
                                                                        as search and rescue dogs,

                                                                       therapy dogs, partners for a

                                                                    veteran, part of canine frisbee
                                                            teams, and of course, beloved pets.

          MEDICAL ALERT DOGS:                  Are Aussies Good To               positive trait for assistance
          These service dogs help              Be Service Dogs?                  dogs. They’re large enough to
          owners suffering from seizures       If you research the breed, a      provide balanced support and
          or epilepsy prepare for an           few words you will see are:       open doors as well. Aussies
          upcoming seizure episode             energetic, loyal, intelligent,    are extremely athletic and
          and keep them safe during            motivated, working, and           energetic. This is good because
          it. Another type of service          athletic. These words sum up      they’re always willing to
          dog under this category is a         the breed pretty well. Aussies    work, whether that be with a
          diabetic assistance dog, who         are great working dogs but        trainer or with their handler,
          helps alert their owner when         also great family members,        but they do need constant
          their blood sugar is low or          which people soon discovered.     stimulation. Australian
          can seek medical assistance                                            Shepherds are beautiful dogs,
          if necessary. There are              They’re extremely friendly and    but their coat does require
          many other types of medical          energetic and maintain their      some maintenance. They must
          assistant dogs for dozens of         youth throughout their lifespan,   be regularly brushed to avoid
          diseases. Some dogs can now          which is about 10-14 years.       tangles, knots and clumps.
          even sniff out.                      The Australian Shepherd is an     It’s important to be able to
                                               extremely intelligent breed,      handle their grooming needs
          MOBILITY ASSISTANCE                  who picks up on learning new      and to know they are a bit of a
          DOGS: This is the type of            things very quickly. This is a    shedder if you have allergies.
          service dog that helps humans        great trait for service dogs      Aussies thrive when they
          with spinal injuries, leg injuries,   to have, as it makes task        have space to roam and a job
          or any injury that makes             training much quicker and         to do. They require mental
          walking, standing or balancing       easier. Aussies aim to please     stimulation and things to keep
          difficult. These are typically       as well, which is another good    them busy to avoid destruction.
          larger breed dogs since they         trait. This breed is one of the   The breed is very friendly and
          provide balanced support for         “velcro dogs”, meaning they       outgoing and loves to make
          their handler. They help their       love to be near their person.     new friends. Overall, they are
          humans stay standing, open           This makes them immensely         an excellent choice for a service
          doors, walk, retrieve items, etc.    loyal and dedicated to their      dog as long as you know their
                                               person, which is another          requirements.

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  155
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