Page 23 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 23
Mr. Perfect ?
What Is a Stud Dog? as fit for stud) are type, health performed on dogs over a
The term 'stud dog’ generally and temperament. certain age - such as is the case
applies to any unneutered with hip scoring- and some
male who has the ability TYPE tests should be performed more
to impregnate one or Simply because a dog has a than once, such as STD testing
more bitches, but for a pedigree and has the papers to for stud dogs in regular use.
knowledgeable breeder, a prove it, is no indicator of the
male who can earn the 'title' quality of the dog - all it means TEMPERAMENT
of a stud is much more than is that the dog’s ancestry Temperament is also an
a dog with the ability to is traceable and verified as important consideration when
reproduce. coming from the breed in it comes to selecting a dog
question. for any purpose since the
No doubt, the way genes are temperament of the mating
transmitted in a particular The male has to be a quality pair will be transmitted to the
mating cannot be fully dog, a good example of the puppies, and sometimes no
predicted, nor the recessive breed and exhibit the breed's amount of work and character
traits that may be triggered typical traits. If you are unsure building can repair a genetically
by the pairing or the overall which are the breed's typical transmitted faulty temperament
outcome of a litter. Sometimes, traits, please consult the (for example, fearful, shy, etc.).
as we all know so well, nature standard.
reserves its right to surprise Besides these three basic
us. But this doesn't mean that HEALTH criteria, a serious and well-
we are going blindfolded in prepared breeder will want
choosing the future parents of A potential stud dog should, of to go more in-depth when
our puppies. course, be completely healthy, selecting the stud of his or her
and it is also important that future litter and consider other
The most basic criteria of your stud dog undergoes aspects, such as pedigree,
selection for a stud (either any breed-specific health complementary traits, long-
choosing a male from another screening and testing that are term breeding plan and even
kennel to stud your bitch or recommended for the breed. dependability of the stud's
your own bred male to consider Many tests can only be owner.
A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 3/2024 | 23