Page 24 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 24
...a well constructed
pedigree is similar
to a music sheet; if it
was harmoniously and
intelligently made, the
result is a beautiful
symphony, if not - the
result can be a disaster...
Pedigree On the other hand, is very reduced genetic diversity will
There is a significant useful to know whether eventually lead to the familiar
importance in thoroughly the stud's and the bitch's problems of inbreeding.
knowing your stud's pedigrees contain a common
pedigree, its strengths and its ancestor; how far back is this
weaknesses and what was ancestor and if this particular
used in its making. As I have dog is something you want
said before, a well-constructed to avoid or to include in your
pedigree is similar to a music breeding.
sheet; if it is harmoniously and
intelligently made, the result is It's a proven fact that most
a beautiful symphony; if not - dog health issues are caused
the result can be a disaster. For by recessive genes. If one dog
example, despite their typical sires too many of the next
look, there are dogs I would generation, those recessive
never include in my breeding genes will meet up when half-
program for the simple reason siblings and other descendants
that their pedigree is less than are mated. It does not matter
desirable. how healthy the stud dog is;
24 | A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 3/2024