Page 66 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 66


          He has perfect people sense.
          Wonderful with children, but
          I know he would protect me if
          needed. CH Spring Fevers
          Step Right Up is the he
          dog we will campaign this
          year. He is an elegant dog
          and is putting his beautiful
          front on his puppies. A
          junior handler “borrowed”
          Bunny for a weekend and
          didn’t bother to bring her
          home. Bailey Crader
          as a young handler
          has had amazing
          success with BIS
          MRBIS MBISS                  We have the luxury of
          MBISOH OHP
          GCHS Spring                  having genetic testing.
          Fevers Wild                  I do most of the testing.
          Hare. Bunny is
          amazing.                     The color panels…
                                       personally I feel are a
          As long-time
          breeder – what               bit over rated.
          do you think about
          DNA tests? For what
          do you test your dogs in
          breeding program?
          We have the luxury of having      we have other problems other      this dog has sires close to 200
          genetic testing. I do most of     than color in the breed. Just my   puppies over a ten year period.
          the testing. The color panels…    personal opinion.                 We have had one problem.
          personally I feel are a bit over
          rated.                            What do you think about
                                            merle x merle breeding? Now       In your breeding program
          Have you ever heard about a       I mean typical merle (not         is it important for you what
          Merle Silv Sine panel – is it     solid dog with Mc result from     length of tail partners have? I
          important for you to know is      DNA test with merle partner).     mean have you ever bred two
          solid aussie has any length of                                      NBT together? If yes, were
          merle?                            While I would doubt we would      any problems from this cross?
          Years ago we bred Merle to        do a real Merle to Merle on       You have to know this “test”
          Merle and put down puppies        purpose anymore, although         is fairly new. We kept records
          with too much white. While        some of our best crosses were     of NBT but didn’t know what
          we test to see the length of      Merle to Merle. Tyce is MM and    could happen We used to
          the Merle, to me and people       it was a learning experience.     think was fun to get the Bob
          will argue with me, it just                                         tailed puppies. Now with
          answers the question of the       Breeding him to one with high     knowledge I don’t like to
          grey puppy, dilute, mismarks      numbers we did get a mismark      double on it. They are long
          etc that pop up in litters. To me   and a deaf puppy. Understand    tailed, carriers or they are

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