Page 63 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 63

Dear Sherrie, thank you for
            taking the time to provide
            us with an interview and
            answering our questions.

            Sherrie, you grew up near
            Quarter Horses. Please
            introduce yourself closer to
            our readers and tell us when
            you got your first aussie ever.
            I’m Sherrie Scott of Spring
            Fever Aussies located in
            Lehi, Utah USA. My husband,
            Canby, and I became active in
            australian shepherds in 1983.
            I was showing Quarter Horses
            and my husband was running
            a dairy farm. The Quarter
            horses I was showing at the
            time was not specialized in any
            one event. I took that into our
            breeding program of wanting

            When we got into the dogs, I
            wanted to keep structure and
            temperament but we also            does your kennel name have a      have developed what we are
            needed a dog that could work       deeper meaning for you? Tell      very proud of in temperament,
            the farm. It was important to      us about your kennel more         structure, intelligence. We
            have a dog that was Pleasent to    please.                           want the whole package on
            look at,intelligence and instinct   Our kennel name came from        our dogs. Temperament really
            to work and a family dog. The      two sources. I was a school       is a priority. If they don’t have
            Aussies were a good fit.           teacher so of course Spring       a solid temperament, it doesn’t
                                               and Summer months were            matter how pretty they are.
            We got our first Aussie WTCH       something to look forward
            CH HOF Brushwood Bonnie            to. And I grew up with a very     Sherrie, Katelyn and Canby
            Kye CD from foundation             talented and versatile mare       are breeder and Senior
            breeders Renn and Shiree           that was named Nicks Spring       breeder judges Canby is also
            Christiansen. We added a           Fever. Over the years my          a stock dog judge. Phillip is
            heavier working dog from Terri     daughter got very involved in     in the process of getting his
            Martin of Slash V. WTCH Slash      juniors and showing and we        judging license. He will bring
            V Rock Slide. With these two       moved off the farm. Taking the    a stockman eye to the ring.
            we combined temperament,           need of a heavy working dog       In the nearing forty years we
            structure and work ethic. This     out but wanting to keep the       have been doing this the best
            breeding got us started on our     intelligence and work ethic       thing is the genetic testing we
            program.                           of the breed. Katelyn married     can now do. And while “type”
                                               a rancher and show cattle         has been set on a lot of lines.
            From your kennel name it           breeder, Phillip Peart, that      Some lines that have lost the
            seems your most favourite          brought in his eye for solid      intelligence and work ethic of
            part of the year is spring or      using structure. With them we     the old-time dogs.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  63
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