Page 86 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 86


          If you suspect your dog has
          been infected by one of
          the Brucella strains, it will
          be very important to take
          him or her to a veterinarian
          immediately. This is due to
          the highly contagious nature
          of Brucella. Your veterinarian
          will need to know if your dog
          has been near any potentially
          infected livestock or wild boars
          (Brucella suis.) It will also be
          important to share with your
          veterinarian if your dog was
          recently pregnant and lost the
          puppies without explanation.
          However, if you have a male
          dog you will look for any signs
          of discomfort during breeding
          or disfigured testicles. The
          primary test done will be blood
          tests in order to determine
          what your dog is affected by
          and what type of Brucella he
          or she is dealing with. These
          blood tests are most accurate
          during the first 8 weeks of

          When it comes to dealing with
          Brucella, prevention is the key.
          In order to avoid infection, you
          should ensure your dog and
          any dogs he or she is being
          bred with have been tested for
          Brucella. However, if your dog
          is diagnosed as having been       euthanasia is recommended         Canine herpes
          infected with the bacteria, it    by veterinarians. Lastly, if your
          will be important to follow the   dog is placed on antibiotics, he   virus (CHV)
          directions of your veterinarian   or she will have to be tested
          to avoid any continued            continuously for at least one     is a serious and often fatal viral
          transmission. The relapse         year after initial diagnosis      disease in puppies. In adult
          rate is high due to the fact      and may be on an antibiotic       dogs, it can cause eye disease,
          that your dog may continue to     regimen for a significant period   an upper respiratory infection,
          have the infection in his or her   of time. Once again, please      and inflammation in the vagina
          joints, bones, bloodstream, and   be aware depending on your        or foreskin of the penis. In
          prostate gland and can shed       state’s laws, you may not be      adult dogs, canine herpes is
          the infection at later times. Full   given an option for treatment,   considered a reproductive
          recovery is not possible for      and euthanasia may be the         health problem rather than
          this reason and it is often why   only option.                      a lung problem, as it is in

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