Page 88 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 88


                                                                              been infected may have her own
                                                                              antibodies, and her puppies
                                                                              should be protected. Puppies
                                                                              who nurse from a mother
                                                                              with antibodies will get those
                                                                              antibodies through the milk and
                                                                              be protected. How long these
                                                                              antibodies last may be different
                                                                              for each dog. The canine herpes
                                                                              virus cannot be passed to
                                                                              humans. Herpes virus in dogs
                                                                              is usually diagnosed from signs
                                                                              and symptoms. Your vet may test
                                                                              blood samples for antibodies.
                                                                              If puppies die suddenly or are
                                                                              stillborn, your vet may examine
                                                                              the body for signs of herpes or
                                                                              other infections. This information
                                                                              can help the vet treat the other
                                                                              puppies in the litter.

                                                                              Europe has a vaccine for canine
                                                                              herpes in pregnancy. A herpes
                                                                              vaccine isn't yet available in
                                                                              the United States. Treatment in
                                                                              adult dogs is not usually needed.
            Puppies that contract the dog herpes virus before three           There may not be symptoms, or
            weeks of age have a more serious disease. In these cases,         the symptoms may be mild and
            herpes symptoms usually come on suddenly, and the                 go away on their own.
            disease progresses quickly and painfully. Death typically
            occurs within 48 hours. Symptoms of canine herpes in
            puppies include:

            •  Tiredness                  •  Shallow breathing
            •  Weakness                   •  Abdominal bloating                  We will look at more
            •  Less nursing               •  Cold body temperature               STDs in future
            •  Diarrhea                   •  Crying                              issues – do you
            •  Eye discharge              •  Coughing                            have personal
            •  Eye swelling               •  Red speckles on the                 experiences
            •  Rash                           skin                               with some of
            •  Nasal discharge            •  Seizures                            them?
            •  Gray or yellow soft stool
                                                                                 Can you share
                                                                                 it with our
          Canine herpes virus is an         Young females and their              readers?
          extremely common virus            puppies are most at risk for         Don´t hesitate to
          in dogs. It is a permanent        canine herpes. Male stud dogs        send your short story to
          infection that will never be      who regularly breed are highly,
          cured. Most dogs that greet       likely to have canine herpes. A      and we will print the most
          other dogs will get the virus.    mother dog that has already          important in the next issue.

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