Page 109 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 109

BEST OF BREED line up CACIB show Czech rep. In 2022

                                               attributes. They reward it        one is completely correct.
                                               when they get it, and others      The knowledgeable and
                                               follow suit. In due course        constructive judge will
            “As soon as a dog whose            breeders see this dog and all     know enough about the
            type deviates from correct         the winning it is doing, and      breed to be able to say with
            starts winning, the ball is        they think that they had better   conviction “This one is right
            set rolling.”                      start breeding something like     – the others are wrong” and
            That dog appears in the            it. They rush off to use said     judge accordingly. Many
            big ring and other judges          dog, and within a matter of       other judges, however,
            comment on its great               years the rather deviant type     perhaps lacking depth of
            bone, long neck, fabulous          has got a foothold in the breed.   knowledge of that breed,
            angulation, ultra-short back,      It takes a little time, but soon   will take the easy option,
            high tailset, fantastic profile,   judges arrive at a situation      assume that the five must
            great open side-gait or            where they get a class of six     be right as they form the
            whatever, even when these          dogs – five of them are of the    majority, and the sixth dogs
            may not be breed-specific          “new” rather off-beat type;       gets left out of the awards.

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  109
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